25. Malfoy Manor

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Draco's POV

I stared at the fireplace. It was 1:58pm, I knew they were coming and I was a bit nervous. Soon enough,
Harry appeared at the fireplace, then his daughter, a young boy which looked liked Ronald Weasley, next Hermione, last is Ginny.

Astoria and I greeted them.

"Hello, Harry, Ginny and Hermione.I suppose this is Lily?" Astoria smiled at the red haired girl who looked liked a copy of Ginny, "And this," gesturing to the young boy who was the copy of Ronald Weasley, "is your son, right Hermione?"

Hermione smiled, "Yes this is my son Hugo."

"Welcome to Malfoy Manor," I said, welcoming them into the living room where we can sit and talk comfortably. Anastasia, my daughter, 3 years younger than Scorpius is already chatting with Lily and Hugo.

"Thanks for inviting us, Draco and Astoria," Harry said, smiling.

We sat down, I sipped my tea and started, "Uh... before we begin, can I say a few words first?" I was felling a bit uncomfortable and nervous and I'm sure Astoria sensed it, because she gave me a nudge.

"Sure," Ginny said, smiling nicely.

Get a grip! Draco! I gave a deep breath and started talking, "So, the reason I invited you over, is that I would like to apologise for my behavior when we were at Hogwarts. Sorry Hermione, for calling you, uhh..." I stopped. I sort of didn't know how to continue.

Hermione laughed, "That's all right."

"It's fine actually. I think only Ron has a problem with it," Ginny grinned at us.

Harry chuckled, "Hey, we weren't that nice to you either. I shouldn't have use that spell on you in sixth year during our duel in the bathroom. Sorry about that."

"Yeah, I am especially sorry for slapping you in third year," Hermione said.

"Oh that, well, I really shouldn't have gotten that hippogriff killed," I said sheepishly, "Maybe I should send a letter to Hagrid to apologise."

"Ah, that, er, actually, the hippogriff had flew away, it wasn't executed," Harry said.

"That's great," I said. Though I suspect that Harry might have rescued it, I didn't ask.

"So, the letter, uh..." Astoria started.

"Oh right, the letter," Harry said and took the letter out of his pocket.

It wrote:

Dear Albus, Scorpius, Rose and Molly,

We know you are wondering about our reactions about the four of you being friends. We think you deserve an explanation about this.

I'm sure you heard about the Second Wizarding War, and this starts seven years before it, in our (Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco) first year.

It started when I, Harry, chose Ron to be my friend over Draco. Then, the sorting hat placed Draco in Slytherin, and the Golden Trio in Gryffindor. First year, I nearly got myself expelled by flying without a teacher present, only because Draco threw Neville's rememball away. But I got to be the youngest seeker in the century instead.

"Maybe you should add the sentence about I got jealous of it," I added, stopping Harry before he could continue reading.

"If you say so," Harry said, took out his quill and wrote down the sentence 'So, Draco, who loved flying on the broom and being a seeker, got jealous.'

"It's that okay?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah, it's fine," I said.

The rivalry between us only worsened during our second year. During the summer when we went to Flourish and Blotts, we met our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher who was selling his books. We got into a heated argument when Draco teased me about not being able to go to Diagon Alley without making a scene. Ginny, who was present stood up for me then. The argument got so big that even Mr. Arthur Weasley and Mr. Lucius Malfoy got involved. Later at school, Ron tried to hex Draco, the spell backfired and that ended up into another round of teasing.

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