9. First Quidditch Match

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"Albus! Albus! Wake up!" Scorpius yelled.

"What," Albus mumbled sleeply.

"It's the first Quidditch match! Gryffindor against Hufflepuff!"

Albus leapt up from his bed, he got ready quickly and the two of them rushed down to breakfast.

The Gryffindor Quidditch team had already arrived, James was sitting at the side, eating his breakfast, looking tense.

"Let's go give James our support, shall we?" Scorpius said, and the two buddies went over and sat beside James.

"Hey James," Albus said cheerfully as he sat down.

"Hey," James mumbled.

"Nervous?" Scorpius asked.

"Yeah, first time playing a real match in front of my brother," he said.

"Come on! No pressure! You're awesome, James! I'll be sitting in the front row, cheering for you!" Albus said.

"Right, I'll think I'll play better than before with you," James said, the grin coming back to his face.

"Now that's the James we love and adore," Scorpius said, "We can't wait to see you play!"

"And with that broom of yours, who'll be faster than you!" Rose added, as she and Molly scurried over and sat opposite of Albus and Scorpius.

"Yeah, you'll do well today, I bet!" Molly said.

"Thanks guys," James said,

"Team! We better get going!" Hazel told them and left the hall towards the pitch.

"See you guys after the match! Thanks for the support!" he waved and hurried after his teammates.

"Right, I'm done, see you three at the stadium, I'll go get a good seat," Scorpius said and left the hall.
Albus, Molly and Rose joined Scorpius at the stadium a few minutes later, half the Gryffindors have already arrived.

"Here," Rose said, as she pulled out four red and gold flags and handed them to Molly, Albus and Scorpius.

"Where in the world did you get them?" Scorpius asked astonished.

"I asked Professor Longbottom after Herbology yesterday," Rose answered.

The four of them waved their flags and cheered along with their fellow Gryffindors, as Madam Hooch releases the balls one by one. At last, Madam Hooch releases the Quaffle, marking the start of the game.

Hazel flew forwards and caught the Quaffle, she sped past the Hufflepuffs and passed it to Andrea, Andrea passed it back towards Hazel as she flew away to avoid a Bludger. Hazel flew forwards and flung the Quaffle towards the ring. "10 points to Gryffindor!"

The four cheered along with their fellow Gryffindors, waving their flags and shouting at the top of their lungs.

It was 170 (Gryffindor) - 140 (Hufflepuff) points by the time James suddenly dived down, with Andrew Arias streaking behind. But James had the advantage of his broom, he caught it in one single swoop. He held the golden snitch high enough for everyone to see. "James Potter has caught the snitch! 150 points to Gryffindor!"

"Gryffindor wins!" Madam Hooch declared, as the Gryffindors screamed and cheered for their victory.

The Gryffindors all went up to their common room and celebrated their victory with a party.

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