10. Going Back Home

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The sun was shining brightly over Hogwarts, though the weather was very cold, and the snow outside Hogwarts was also very thick. But inside Hogwarts, students were seen packing their stuff, saying goodbye, some of the students who are staying behind Hogwarts was helping to decorate the Great Hall.
Albus, Scorpius, Molly and Rose pulled the trunks down to the Entrance Hall and walked towards the carriages. All four of them were wearing very thick coats, and wrapped themselves with their red and gold scarf.
"So when will we meet up?" Scorpius asked.
"Let's see, I'll be staying at Grimmauld Place on the 23rd to 27th. Molly'll come over on the 25th," Rose answered.
"24th as well," Molly said.
"Are you staying at Albus' for the whole holiday, Scorpius?" Rose asked.
"Nah, I'll stay until the 28th. Dad and mum went to France for holiday to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary. We'll celebrate Christmas afterwards," answered Scorpius.
"Are your parents happy about it? I mean, you staying at Albus' place," Molly asked.
"To be honest, no, they don't really like the fact that I'm staying over at Albus' place, especially dad. He didn't like it, but he wanted me to be happy and mum said it's okay, so I get to stay," Scorpius shrugged, "I don't see what's the problem though. I think it's great! It's not like I don't want to be with my parents, but I just want to stay at Albus' instead of school. I'll be really bored without you guys."

"I think is something to do with stuff they did when they were young," Albus started thoughtfully.

"Oh yes! Dad told me not to be too friendly with you but honestly I don't care. Mum doesn't approve of what dad said though. So just don't mind my dad if he is mean to you. He'll just get scolded by my mum," Rose giggled as she climbed in the carriage.

"Your families won't like me," Scorpius sighed.

"Don't worry, we'll tell them we are very good friends!" Albus said, patting Scorpius on the back.

Scorpius smiled at Albus.
They sat in silence as the carriage moved on. They arrived at the station shortly afterwards. They said goodbye to Hagrid and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

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