19. What's Wrong?

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"So, let me get this straight. Seems like all the parents got a problem with us befriending each other except for mine," Albus stated.

"Yep. Dad was mad," Rose sighed, "He was like 'STOP BEING FRIENDS WITH MALFOY!!' and when I asked him why, he just said 'BECAUSE HE IS A MALFOY!!!' Ugh, this is so frustrating!"

"Yes, the point is give us a good reason if you don't want us to be friends! Seriously!" Scorpius said.

"You know," Molly started thoughtfully, "I think Hagrid knows something. Remember when we went to see him for tea the first time? He wasn't happy to see you, Scorpius, but he changed later. I think he knows something. We can try to ask him."

"I think dad might tell us something too. Anyways, I'm going back to my friends, see ya!" James said and left the compartment.

"So, what actually did your parents say?" Scorpius asked.

"My mum didn't say anything. Dad wasn't quite happy but he didn't scold me. He just told me to be careful and take care of myself. Then he started a rant about something like never trust the Malfoys, always be careful of the Malfoys, something like that," Molly said, rolling her eyes, "It's crazy, I mean, why do I need to be careful around you, Scorpius?"

"Ugh... nice uncle Percy. This is nothing compared to my dad. The first thing my dad did when we get back home after Christmas was ask me about your last name, Scorpius. When I told him you're a Malfoy, he asked me if you are Draco Malfoy's son. I said yes and he started yelling stuff like 'HOW DARE YOU BE FRIENDS WITH MALFOY!?' or 'STAY AWAY FROM MALFOYS!' or 'DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO HIM AT SCHOOL AGAIN OR I'LL SEND YOU TO ANOTHER SCHOOL FOR EXAMPLE BEAUXBATONS!!' and when I ask him what's the problem, he just screamed, 'MALFOYS ARE BAD! THEY ARE A BAD INFLUENCE!' seriously?!?!" Rose said bitterly.

"What about aunt Hermione? What did she say?" Molly asked quietly.

"She's okay. She told me it's fine and don't mind dad. She says she doesn't quite approve but she thinks Scorpius is a nice boy when she saw you at Christmas and so she said it's fine. Oh, and she won't let dad sent me to Beauxbatons," Rose said, smirking at the last part.

"Thank, Merlin! I wouldn't want you to be sent away just because of me!" Scorpius said.

"So what about you, Scorpius?" Albus asked.

"Uh... well... not as bad as Rose's. Mine was similar to Molly's. Mum was okay. Dad just sighed and told me not to get too close with you guys. He said something about your parents won't like it a bit so I might be forced to break friends with you guys, something like that. But he wants me to be happy, so he won't stop me from being friends with you guys," Scorpius said.

"Let's try to find out why. There must be a reason behind this," Molly said.

"Okay, so I'll right a letter to dad and mum, Scorp write a letter to your parents," Albus started.

"Better my mum, I don't think dad will like it if I ask him," Scorpius said.

"Alright, and Rose will write a letter to aunt Hermione, and Molly..." Albus continued.

Molly cut him off, "I don't think they know much, but I'll see if my mum knows anything."

"Kay, and we'll all go and find Hagrid together next week, okay?" Albus said.


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