11. Platform 9 3/4

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Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Percy and Audrey were waiting at the platform 9 3/4. Lily, Hugo, and Lucy were also there. They were chatting and playing happily as the train pulled on the station.
The train doors opened and Albus, Scorpius, Rose and Molly got off their compartment, followed by James, coming out of another compartment. The trunks were levitated out of the train one by one.
"They're here! They're here!" Lily shrieked suddenly, pointing to where the five of them were stroding over to where they were waiting.
"Who's that blonde hair boy with them? He looks like Malfoy," Percy said with a hint of dislike.
"That's Malfoy's son. He's staying over til the 28th," Harry answered.
"Mum! Dad!" Rose yelled running towards Hermione, Hermione hugged her with a sweep of her arm.
Percy took Molly's hand and hugged her. James raced forwards and gave his father and mother a fleeting hug.
Albus and Scorpius strode forwards, "Albus!" Harry said hugging his son. He let go of him and Ginny hugged Albus.

Harry then turned to Scorpius, "Hello, Scorpius,"

"Hi uncle Harry," Scorpius replied politely.

Just then, Rose pulled Scorpius away to meet her family, "Dad! Mum! Hugo! Meet Scorpius! He's really nice," Rose said grinning.

"Hi Scorpius! I'm Hugo!"

"Hello Hugo!"

"Scorpius! Meet my sister Lucy!"

"And my sister Lily!"

"Calm down calm down," Ginny laughed, "Let Scorpius breath, we'll properly introduce him to the whole family at Christmas Eve."

"Yes, we've got to go, Audrey has to work this afternoon. Let's have a quick lunch with mum first, Molly, you can see them at Christmas," Percy said leaving the station.

"Bye guys!" Molly said, "See you at Christmas!"

"Bye Molly!" Rose, Albus and Scorpius chorused together.

"So, where are we going now?" Rose asked Hermione.

"We'll have lunch together, then we'll go home," Ron answered.

"Great!" Albus said, "We don't have to say goodbye so quickly!"

Harry laughed, "Come on," he said as he carried his son and Scorpius's trunk and walked towards his car.

Ron took Rose's trunk and also got on his car.
The two families had lunch in a nice restaurant, and they parted their ways and went back home.

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