29. A Whole Year Gone

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Third Person POV

It was the last day at Hogwarts.

The students had all packed their things and was ready to leave. Most of them made plans to meet up in summer. James, Albus, Rose, Molly, Suzanne, Lily, Hugo and Lucy, will be staying with the Malfoys for the first week of summer. Annabelle will be there as well.

The Potters and Weasleys meanwhile, will all meet at the Burrow when the letters arrive and go to Diagon Alley together. Suzanne will be going with them.

The students took their things down to the Entrance Hall and made their way back to the Great Hall for the End-of-Term Feast.

The Great Hall was decorated with purple flags hanging from the ceiling. The House Cup was placed right next to the professor's table.

Everyone was chattering, enjoying their last meal at Hogwarts for the year.

Professor Flitwick stood up and clinked his goblet, making the whole hall turn their attentions on him.

"A whole year has gone! And what a nice one too! Now the house points," Professor Flitwick said.

The whole hall was silent, not a single noise was heard.

"In fourth place, with 450 points, Slytherin House."

Groans were heard from the Slytherin table, but the other houses were all grinning and giggling. Slytherin had gotten the House Cup for the last 4 years, and they ended up last this year, thanks to Gemini. Professor Longbottom had docked 50 points from Slytherin because Gemini had stunned Suzanne.

"In third place, Hufflepuff House, 455 points."

The Hufflepuffs cheered, happy that they weren't last anymore.

"In second place, Ravenclaw House, with 475 points."

The Ravenclaws, of course, wanted first. But they were still satisfied with the points.

"And in first place, with 495 points, Gryffindor House!"

The Gryffindors screamed. Even the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws cheered. The three houses were happy that Slytherins were not first anymore.

The Slytherins, meanwhile, were sulking. Most Slytherins stormed out of the hall, and went to catch the Hogwarts Express earlier.

After the feast, one by one the students left the hall, and went to the train station.

Rose, Molly, Albus, Scorpius and Suzanne shared a compartment. The Weasleys were on their right. While James and his friends were on their left.

Halfway through the train ride, Violet bursted in their compartment.

"SCORPY!!!!" Violet yelled.

Scorpius growled, "Piss of Violet, and stop calling me Scorpy."

"Scorpy! Come on! Phineas suggested playing truth or dare and we all waited for you!"

"No thanks. Tell Phineas I won't come," Scorpius retorted.

"But Scorpy!" Violet whined.

"Don't be a whiny baby, Goyle," Suzanne snarled.

"Shut up mudblood," Violet snarled.

"Violet. Leave. Now," Scorpius said furiously.

"No! Scorpy! You've got to come!" Violet said.





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