21. The Potter's reaction

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Ginny's POV

I looked up from my breakfast as I heard an owl tapping on the window. It was Oliver, holding two letters. I got up and took the letter adressed to me, gave Oliver some owl treats and he flew away.

"Al's letter?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," I said, ripping the letter open.

"Who's the other to?" Harry asked.

"I didn't notice," I replied.

I read the letter and handed it to Harry.

Harry's POV

I read the letter twice throughly before looking up. Ginny was looking expectantly at me.

"Well, what do you think? Should we tell them?" Ginny asked.

"I don't know," I said, "Should we let them know?"

"Well... we either tell them everything or nothing at all," Ginny said.

"Yeah," I said, still in deep thought. Should I tell them? Or should I not? I really don't know.

"I'll think I'll ask Hermione. She might know what to do," I said.

"Don't let Ron know, he'll get angry," Ginny teased. I laughed.

That night, after chatting with Hermione, I decided to write the letter. I sat down at my desk, and wrote the longest letter I've ever written.

So, I know this chapter its a bit short buuut I wanted to save the conversation between Harry and Hermione to the next chapter. What do you think about the story so far? Vote, comment and share!!

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