51. Hogwarts Letters

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Scorpius' POV

The summer wasn't really as bad as we imagined. Mostly because Leo has decided not to push all of his plans that quickly. He wanted to gain more followers and he want more people to follow him willingly, using his influence as Minister. He hasn't done anything on the Order as well. Though he has controlled St. Mungo's and Hogwarts.

Order members would change their appearance everytime before going out as a precaution, a spell aunt Hermione invented a few years ago. They were trying to hunt down the horcruxes Leo made now, but to no avail.

Some Order members were St. Mungo's Healers. Safe houses were set up in different places and a medical station was set up in every one of them, with a Healer stationed in it.

For us, although we were stuck in the Headquarters, we had fun. We would play games or prank each other, keeping the Headquarters in a light mood.

Sometimes, we would practise in the Headquarters, and the adults would give us a lot of tips, which are super helpful.

It was a little more than a week before September 1 when we received our Hogwarts letters, Lily as well.

Suzzy actually didn't got hers, so that was a relieve. Instead she was transferred to Glaemnonia this year. To my surprise though, James told us his girlfriend, Adeline and her sister, Eva, still transferred to Hogwarts under these circumstamces.

The textbooks were still the normal stuff, except there were a few new books this year:
1. The Dark Arts: A Legal Companion
2. The Book of Dark Arts Spells Grade 1-3
3. The Book of Unforgivables
4. How to domesticate a house elf
5. Filthy mudbloods and blood traitors
6. Potions of Dark Arts

For Anastasia, Annabelle and me, we also have a Dark Squad badge, which in my opinion, it's really ugly.

Hufflepuff and Slytherin's Head of Houses didn't change, still teaching Charms and Transfiguration. Professor Longbottom promised us that he would continue teaching us Herbology and be the Head of Gryffindor House. Astronomy Professor Schneider has become the Head of Ravenclaw House. All four professors are part of the Order. Headmaster Flitwick, and our Potions master were forced to retire and joined the Order instead. The Headmaster is my dad, surprisingly, and the deputy Heads are Gemini and Death Eaters Whitney and Nott. Muggle Studies became compulsory, taught by Gemini. Defence Against the Dark Arts became simply Dark Arts, taught by Whitney. Potions was taught by Nott instead. Uncle Blaise and the Goyle couple were also added in Hogwarts, to make sure the students are 'behaving properly'.

"Those six new books are seriously giving me shivers," James said, "They are sooooo horrible."

"When are we buying our supplies?" Al asked.

"Draco asked me to give him a list of stuff you guys need to buy. He'll owl them all over. He's already owled the books over, the six new ones. There's a set for all of you," uncle Harry answered, "By the way, Scorpius, he told you to smuggle the Healing books he owled you. He said it's not allowed but your trunk won't be searched so it doesn't matter."

"Why need Healing Books? We have Madam Pomfrey!" Dominique exclaimed.

"Oh no! I forgot to mention! Madam Pomfrey was forced to leave as well. And I am quite certain that they just love brutal punishments," I said as they groaned.

"Well, our trunks and owls won't be searched so if you guys need anything illegaly in the Death Eaters point of view you can get them through us," Annabelle said.

"Sure, thanks," James smirked, "I think I would like to sneak in a couple of uncle George's products."

"James!" Aunt Ginny exclaimed sternly.

"Mum! Just some Extendable Ears, or dungbombs and swamps," James said.

"Absolutely not," she continued, "It's too risky."

James huffed.

"Can we slip some healing potions in?" Victoire asked.

"Sure, I carry them," I said.

"Then I'll split the Healing books with Anastasia then," Annabelle said.

"Right. Get ready for school, you guys," aunt Ginny sighed, "And for the sake of all of us, stay safe."

We all nodded solemly.

Whatever was in store, we have to be ready.

So I actually found my original plot of this story a few days ago (it's actually only a piece of crunbled paper with some notes of this story stuffed in my drawer). I had actually planned the TriWizard Tournament, but I had never planned for the rise of the Death Eaters originally😂😂. I have absolutely no idea where the story will lead me, my story ideas often pops up while I write. My final thing is never the same as the draft, LOL.

Anyways, thank you for the 5K reads and >500 votes!!


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