41. The Plan

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Astoria's POV

Blaise and Endeavor arrived at 7pm for dinner, bringing Annabelle with them. Instead of letting the children go and play themselves this time, we had them stay in the dining room. Narcissa is here as well. Although we want to keep our children out of the plan, it's already too late, Rodolphus already placed them in the plan.

The plan was first scheduled two years ago, and will be excuted two years later. It was to make Leo the next Dark Lord, like his father, with Rodolphus as his second-in-command.

"So what exactly is the plan?" Scorpius asked.

"Scorpius, I don't want you in the plan," Draco said.

"Dad, we're already in it, whether you like it or not. Rodolphus placed us in already. The only thing we can do now is do the right thing without raising suspicion. We can't do that if we don't know the whole plan," Scorpius argued.

"Scorp's right, mate. They are already in it. We need to tell them," Blaise said.

Draco sighed, "Alright. The plan is to make Leo the second Dark Lord, while Rodolphus would be second-in-command. The first step is to corrupt the Ministry. After that, they would take over St. Mungo's and Hogwarts. While doing that, muggleborns would be killed. Anyone helping muggleborns would be killed as well. Halfbloods would be treated like elves, and you know perfectly well how they treat their elves. For purebloods, those who obey will be fine, of course. Those who do not obey, however, a spell would be casted on them, it's like an Imperius curse, but it's modified to have a long time effect. After taking over England, taking over another country would be the next step, until the whole world is taken over."

Shocked silence greeted his words.

It was a whole minute before Anastasia managed to say, "Bu... bu... but, th... that..." she broke off, lost for words.

"They must be stopped," Annabelle declared.

Scorpius nodded in agreement, "It would be horrible if they succeed."

"That's why we don't want you in the plan," Endeavor muttered.

"Well, it's too late. We have to decide what to do next," Blaise said.

"Scorpius, how much does Albus know about Roldophus?" I asked.

"He knows Rodolphus is alive, and he ordered the arrange marriage," Scorpius answered.

"So now, we have you two 'spy' at you friends," Blaise started.

Annabelle interupted, "I have a question!"

"What is it?" Endeavor said.

"I don't know what to write to Rodolphus," Annabelle stated.

"I don't know what to write either," Scorpius said.

"Don't worry, we'll help you with that," I said.

Blaise cleared his throat, "So I was saying, you are ordered to 'spy', but instead you will tell them Rodolphus' plan..."

"No," Draco cut him off.


"I don't want any Slytherins to overhear their conversation. I'd rather invite Potter, Weasley, and their families here and we tell them instead," Draco said.

"Are you sure? I mean, would Potter believe us?" Blaise asked.

"I'd rather tell them myself than have the children tell them," Narcissa spoke quietly. I almost forgot she was there, she was so quiet during the whole conversation.

"Well, then it's agreed," I said, "We shall invite them here and tell them the plan. Endeavor and I are in charge of that. Draco and Blaise, you two will be in charge of thinking of stuff for Scorpius and Annabelle to write to Rodolphus. Aunt Narcissa, since you're in the core group with Draco, could you update us with the latest news? Draco will help with that as well."

"Sure," aunt Narcissa nodded. Draco murmured his agreement.

"Scorpius and Annabelle, you can tell your friends everything, even the plan, but don't go into detail. That's our job, alright?" Draco said, and they both nodded.

I smiled. Whatever Rodolphus is planning, we are ready.

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