42. Back to School

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Scorpius' POV

I am finally back at school, with Al, Rose, Molly and Suzzy. Christmas break has ended. It's Monday, and we have school again. Well, in a way, I'm glad, but, that also means I have to send weekly reports to Rodolphus.

"Mr. Malfoy, put your earmuffs on!" Professor Longbottom ordered.

I snapped out of my thoughts and said, "Sorry professor," putting my earmuffs on as I speak. Damn it, I got too caught up in my own thoughts again. It's the second time I've done it today. The first time in Charms when everyone was practicing the Enlarging Charm. Just now, in Herbology when we were to fix Mandrakes, I did it again.

Al looked at me with a concerned look. I nodded, indicating I'm fine. But I'm not, the whole Rodolphus thing was driving me crazy. Okay maybe not crazy, but still, I am worried.

I yanked the Mandrake out of its pot and dumped it to another pot. After doing it for a few times, Professor Longbottom dismissed us.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr Potter, Ms. Allen, Rose and Molly, could you stay behind for a moment?" Professor Longbottom suddenly said.

I exchanged a confused look with Al and stayed behind.

When everybody except the five of us left, Professor Longbottom turned to me, "Have you told your friends about Rodolphus yet?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Right, I want you five to tell the other Weasleys, James, Annabelle and Frank to go to the Headmaster's office on Saturday, 10am. All the Potters, Weasleys, the Minister, and the remaining of the Order of the Phoenix plus the D.A. would be here. Your family would be here as well, Scorpius, so would the Zabinis. Albus and Rose, I assume you know about the Order of the Phoenix and the D.A.?"

Al and Rose nodded.

"Explain to the others. One more note, Scorpius, your father asked me to remind you not to go in detail of the plan."

I nodded, "Thanks Professor."

Professor Longbottom dismissed us after that.

"What is this all about? What about Rodolphus? What is the Order of the Phoenix? And what is the D.A.?" Suzzy asked right after we left the greenhouse.

"Maybe we should gather everyone first," Molly suggested, "I don't think you guys fancy talking about these things for more than once."

We nodded in agreement.
Albus' POV

Two days after dinner, we gathered in a corner of the common room. If it was last year, we would have used the Head Prefect's common room. But Fred and Victoire weren't here, and Roxanne didn't make Head Prefect. For the dorms, well, we can't use girls dorms, boys can't go in. Boys dorms, we don't know whether we can trust other dormmates.

The common room may have a lot of people, but everyone has their own stuff to do, not many would eavesdrop us. Besides, Roxanne and Dominique sat at the outside, and kept watch for any eavesdroppers.

"Okay, lets go over things one by one," Louis stated, "Everyone know we have to go to the Headmaster's office on Saturday, 10am?"

We nodded.

"Next, there are several things we should know before going to the Headmaster's Office," James continued, "Rodolphus, the Order of the Phoenix and the D.A., let's start with Rodolphus, Scorpius and Annabelle, would you?"

Scorp nodded and said, "I'm sure you all know who Rodolphus and Leo is. Also, the Two Wizarding Wars caused by Voldemort. Voldemort was fortunately, killed by uncle Harry. Bellatrix was killed as well. But they had a son, Leo Black, and Voldemort's second-in-command, Rodolphus. According to the Ministry, Rodolphus is already dead. But all the time, he lives in either the Lestrange Manor, or other pureblood manors."

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