Chapter 31 - Ocean

Start from the beginning

I just look at Drew like he is a puzzle I need to solve. Guess Drew sensing my stare, he looks up at me "huh?"

"Nothing" I say fast. He looks at me funny and goes back playing with Char. Ugh... he should've known that if he wants someone to be his date he has to ask the date.

"Hey penguin"

"I'm not a penguin!" I snap him.

He chuckles. "Did you already call the part time nanny?"

"What? No"

"Oh Betsy already told you"

"Betsy? Told me what?"

"She can stay here tomorrow night"

Here it comes! "Why does she have to stay here tomorrow night?" I say slowly.

He looks at me funny. I just merely stare at him.

"Tomorrow we will go to Meredith's premiere right? Who will take care of Char?"

"I didn't know I would go," I say, shrugging.


I just stare at him. "What exactly do you want to say, Drew?"

"Tomorrow we will go to the premiere together, right?" He looks confused.

"Um I don't know. I was thinking to stay at home since you will go."

"You don't want to go?" His eyes widened.

"Well I want to, of course. But you have to go right?"

He chuckles "of course, unless you want Meredith kills me the day after tomorrow when she finds out I didn't go to the premier"

"Okay.. then I'll stay here take care of Char"

"Wait a minute, Ms. Goldreich. Do we have misunderstandings here?" He frowns

"Um I don't get what you mean" I say.

"You said yes to me that you'll be my date for tomorrow. I think when you said to be my date that's mean you will come with me tomorrow's night" He says slowly.

I blink "I didn't"

"Yes you did!" He replies fast.


"Last night" he rolls his eyes.

"No Drew. I didn't" I say stubbornly.

He exhales and kisses Char's head "give me a minute to talk with your stubborn mom" he stands up from the floor and sits next to me. "Did you forget last night I knocked on your room?"


"Last night?" I croak.

"Yes last night. After you went back to your room. I went back to mine too. Later I came back to your room and knocked"

"What?" I squeak.

"Yeah but you locked the door. So I just talked from outside. But you said yes to me. I heard it"


"Yeah you said yes excitedly." Oh my God!!!!!! "I want to come in but you didn't unlock the door so I thought you were busy with something or maybe you were too sleepy to get out of the bed" he shrugs.

I feel my face hot. "Um Drew. Sorry, I have to go to the toilet" I stand up abruptly.

"Hey wait" he holds my wrist. "what about tomorrow?"

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