Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...

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Pt. II
A few months later...
Ryan's POV

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to finish up this essay. I have four pages left," he replied scratching his head and looked up at me, "what's up? You need anything?"

"What's your essay on?"

"At this point, I don't even know. I'm just trying to meet the word count at this point," he answered still typing. We had to hang out more so our characters could have chemistry together on screen. He wasn't as bad as he normally was.

"What are you in school for?"

"Just sociology," he replied. I didn't say anything else because I didn't want to distract him anymore. I heard his laptop close and him groan.

"Come on. Let's get some food," he said as he stretched. He grabbed his keys and his wallet off the table. We left and went to small little diner. When we got there, he got out first before coming over to open the truck door for me. The waitress flirted with him the entire time. I was upset about that. I was annoyed because I just wanted to order my damn food and she was trying to flirt her way into some dick.

"What can I get for you two?" she asked. We ordered our food and waited.

"Why you look so upset?" he asked me.

"Because she took like fifteen minutes trying to flirt with you and I'm hungry," I replied. He looked over and smiled.

"Sounding a little jealous."

"More like aggravated," I mumbled.

"Jealousy," he replied winking at me.

"Whatever," I said and the waitress came back with our drinks. He stopped me before I took my drink. He looked in it and frowned.

"She spit in your drink," he said and motioned for the waitress to come back to the table.

"Is there a problem?" she asked.

"You know there is. You spit in her drink. I don't even want to get another one, so I think we're just going to leave," he said and stood up. I stood up and followed him out of the restaurant.

"We didn't have to leave," I told him.

"Yes, we did," he replied opening his car door for me. I got in and waited for him to get in on the driver's side.

"Why did we?" I asked.

"Because she spit in your drink. Ain't no telling what else she would've done to your stuff," he replied.

"We could've gotten a different waitress," I told him.

"We could've, but you don't know what could've happen. I might not like you, but I'm not about to just let someone disrespect you like that," he said and I smiled softly.

"You care about me," I teased and he smacked his teeth.

"It would've been fucked up if I let you drink that. Don't you think?" he said.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Alright then," he mumbled as he pulled off.

"Fuck it. I know where we can go," he said to himself. I was on my phone the whole time while he drove us somewhere. We pulled up to the huge house and I looked at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My parents house," he replied and I nodded slowly. He got out of his truck and came over to open the door for me.

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