You Get A Happy Ending, But I Don't.

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Part II
Your POV

I was stuck at a bridesmaids brunch with Florence's friends. I stayed back and just watched. They didn't talk to me. I didn't talk to them. Just wanted Florence to be happy. My phone vibrated and I picked it up to see that I had a text from Destiny.  Destiny and I had instantly clicked. I found myself always texting and talking to her. She'd make me blush and my heart would flutter every time she called me.

destiny: hey, what are you up to?

y/n: best friend's bridesmaids brunch. what are you doing? are you feeling better?

destiny: i'm just laying in bed getting some rest. i do feel better. just still have a little headache.

y/n: you did give yourself a concussion

destiny: and thank you for taking me to the doctor.

y/n: i wasn't going to just leave you there. i actually like you.

destiny: you like me?

y/n: i do.

"Y/N, can you put your phone away and try to socialize with everyone?" Florence asked annoyed.

"But I did try," I replied chuckling. I thought she was joking until I looked up at her face. She was pissed.

"You didn't. You've just been sitting here looking miserable. No one wants a downer at their bridesmaids brunch. Then you just sit here on your phone texting whomever. If you don't want to be here, you don't have to be here. No one is forcing you to be here!" she yelled making everyone look at us. She was so angry, but she was wrong. I did try talking to them, but they didn't really interact with me. They were a friend group and I was an outsider. I didn't fit in. I glanced around to see the others whispering to each other.

"I'll just go," I mumbled feeling extremely embarrassed because she had just yelled at me like I was a child.

"I even don't want you to be my maid of honor anymore," she said and I frowned. I had no words. I just nodded.

"Whoa, Florence. You're being a little bit extreme," someone chimed in.

"I don't want someone that's not happy for me to be in my wedding nor do I want them in my life," she said as she glared at me.

"But I am happy for you," I told her.

"No, you're not. You're fucking miserable. You want me to be miserable just like you and I hate you," she fired back.

"Flo, what the fuck? She didn't even do anything," another one added.

"Okay, Florence. If you feel that way, I'll just stay away from you and your wedding. I wish you and Jared a happy and exciting marriage. I'll have the dress and your wedding gift sent to you and here's the bracelet back," I said yanking the bracelet of my wrist and tossing it at her feet.

"You all enjoy the rest of your brunch. It was lovely to see you all again," I told them as I put my coat on. I walked out anyone could stop me. Instead of sulking, I went to go check on Destiny. I knocked on her front door and waited for her to answer. Once she did, I gave her a small smile.

"I just wanted to come check on you," I told her and she blushed.

"I'm fine, Y/N. Do you want to come in?" she asked me shyly.

"Sure, we can finish watching Twitches," I told her and she cheered softly. I walked into her home and took off my shoes along with my coat. We sat in the living room together to watch the movie. Destiny rested her head on my lap and I was carefully not to brush against her stitches as I massaged her scalp gently.

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