Nice To Meet You.

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Florence Pugh

Florence Pugh

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Your POV

"Anthony, I don't see why I'm here," I told my older cousin, who just ignored me.

"You're going to audition for this movie and this show and you're going to like," he yelled and I laughed.


"Because I believe that you can do it. Plus it would be fun to have you on set with me," Anthony said and I smiled.

"Fine. I'll do it," I replied and he cheered before pushing me into a room. I looked to see the director and a few other people there.

"That little bitch done manipudipped me," I said and the director laughed at me.

"Hi, Y/N," he said.

"Hello, he put y'all up to this?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Here's the script," he said and I walked over to them and grabbed it. Sam is supposed to disappear in the blip and my character, is supposed to be upset.

"You ready?" One of the other people asked me and I nodded.

"Sam isn't coming back," the director said.

"Don't say that. He wouldn't leave me. He promised."

"It's been five years. He's gone."

"No he isn't," I said as the tears started streaming down my face, "Stop saying that. He's not gone. He promised."

"But he is-"

"You say it again. I'm gonna rip your spine out and send it to your mother."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please let me go."

"Get out. Everybody get out," I yelled.

"And scene. You've got the part, Y/N," the director said. Anthony came in and picked me up. He spun me around until I smacked him.

"Son, stop doing that shit. It makes me nauseous," I said and he laughed lightly shoving me.

"Meet with us tomorrow and we will discuss everything," the director said and shook my hand.

"Let's go cause trouble on set. Bye," Anthony said and pulled me with him.

"What movie is being filmed?"

"It's not a movie. It's a show, Hawkeye," he said to me and I nodded.

"Ooo, whose in it?"

"Hailee Steinfeld, Jeremy Rennet, Florence Pugh-"

"That's the hottie that has the Russian accent in Black Widow, right?"

"The accent is fake," A voice said from behind me. When I tell you, I jumped into Anthony's arms because it genuinely scared me. I also screamed. He laughed and so did the person. I turned to see Florence standing there.

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