I Wanted You First.

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(Male Reader )

Samantha Logan

Ending of High School Senior Year Basketball

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Ending of High School Senior Year Basketball.
Year: 2014

Your POV
Having the love of your life, well your crush, taken from you was a horrible feeling. Especially when it was your best friend that scooped her up. He knew I liked her. He knew how I felt about her. Yet, he still did it anyways.

He even took my dream to be captain of the basketball team. However, being the bad bitch that I was, I was chosen every time after that. Why? He was too cocky and the coaches didn't like that. It's one thing to be confident in yourself and know that you're the shit, but stay humble. It's another to be a cocky asshole that can barely put up points.

Every thing I did, he was running to out do me. One thing he had that I wanted was her. I had a crush on her since middle school. Even when she went through her little awkward phase and the boys thought she wasn't "pretty", I thought she was. She was still the prettiest woman to ever exist.

However, I wasn't jealous. She always seemed happy with him, so it didn't matter. We were still friends at the time. She'd call to check up on me. We'd hang out to catch up with each other, but with other mutual friends and him with us.

Deep down, I knew she knew how I felt about her. She just didn't feel the same, which was understandable. He, who shall not be named, also known as Marshall, was one of those guys that grew up with money and never stepped a foot in the hood. But thought he was the most gangsta nigga to ever exist. How you a gangsta and your car not even in your name?

I was walking in the hallway and I could see Sam waving at me from her locker. I gave her a small wave before putting my books in my locker and taking out my duffel bag.

"Hey, Y/N," Sam said walking towards me.

"What's up?" I asked her as I closed my locker.

"Nothing much. What did you get on the Chem test?" she asked.

"I got a 96, you?" I asked her.

"I got a 100," she replied and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Always gotta one up me," I said to her and she squinted at me. Marshall came over and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Hey, babe. What's up, Y/N? Coach wants to talk to you before practice. Must be about those two missed threes you had last game," he said trying to shake my hand and I just ignored him.

"Hey, are you going to Naomi's party?" she asked him and he nodded. She looked at me and waited for my answer.

"Can't, I have a very important dinner tonight," I told her.

"Important dinner?" Marshall asked and I still ignored him.

"I'll catch up with you later, Sam," I said to her and took the key out of my locker. I left them there and went to the coach's office. He had some guy in there with him, so I knocked on the door.

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