You Get A Happy Ending, But I Don't.

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Florence Pugh

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Florence Pugh

Your POV

"I'm really getting married!" Florence exclaimed excitedly and I forged happiness.

I hated the thought of Florence getting married to someone that didn't even deserve her. I had been hopelessly in love with Florence since college, but I never acted on it. She was always busy. She was always working. She was always dating someone else. She seemed happy. She was in love. I was the best friend that had fallen in love and I just had to watch from the sidelines.

"Y/N, are you listening to me?" Florence asked.

"Sorry, I was thinking about getting some butter chicken," I told her and she giggled.

"I was talking about how beautiful this dress is and I also asked if you can unzip me," she questioned. I nodded and stood up. Nervously, I walked over to her and stood behind her. My shaky hands grabbed the zipper and slowly pulled it down. Without thinking, I slowly trailed my finger down her spine watching the goosebumps appear on her skin. I looked up at her through the mirror to see her already looking at me.

I couldn't read the expression on her face, so I just looked at the ground. The tension was deafening, so I decided I needed to step outside.

"There you go. I'm gonna step outside," I mumbled leaving her inside of the dressing room. I stepped outside and let the cold air consume me. I paced back and forth waiting for Florence to come outside. I sighed.

It was stupid of me to say yes to being Florence's maid of honor, but I couldn't tell her no. I was going to be first in line to see her say yes to spending the rest of her life with someone that wasn't me. There was nothing to do about it. I just had to deal with it. No matter how much it hurt, I just had to deal with it.

"Y/N, you okay? You don't look well," Florence asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine. Just a little warm," I told her, "Wanna go grab lunch?"

"I actually have to go meet you his mother for lunch. I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you," she answered.

"It's fine. I'm just gonna head home then," I replied. Her fiancée pulled up right before she could reply. Her smile grew and my heart shattered. She squealed and ran over to the car. He got out and hugged her, so I just decided to leave. One because I was hungry. Two because it was awkward to just watch them make out with each other. Also, very gross.

I never stood a chance. The way she perked up when she saw him. I couldn't compete where I didn't compare. I got my butter chicken and went home. I got a text Florence, but I just ignored it.

"Ooo, you got us some better chicken?" my mom asked and I chuckled.

"Yes, I did," I replied and she cheered happily. I just shook my head.

In Your DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora