One Way Ticket Away From Here...

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Gabriella's (H.E.R.) POV

Randomly, I decided to buy a train ticket

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Randomly, I decided to buy a train ticket. I needed some time alone and new scenery. My sunglasses covered my eyes. My hair was pulled back in a ponytail to keep it out my face. I had a hood on my head just to not really be noticed.

While waiting, I kept hearing someone singing lightly. It was almost like my ears were tricking me. It was coming from behind me. I turned slightly to see only the side profile of the girl that was singing. She had the voice I was looking for.

"You have a very nice voice," a little boy whispered to her. She smiled at him and thanked him.

"Sorry about him," the child's mother said.

"It's fine.  He was just listening to me sing," she replied to the mother.

"She has a really nice voice. It's soft and not too loud," he said to his mother. The mother smiled at her son and exchanged a few words with the singer before she went back to singing again.  I finally decided to speak up.

"He's right. You have a great voice," I said softly not wanting to startle her too much. She turned to look at me and my breath was taken away almost immediately. She gave me a small smile.

"Thank you," she replied.

"I'm Gabriella. Your voice is absolutely perfect. It's actually the voice I have been looking for."

"The voice you've been looking for?" she questioned curiously.

"Yeah, I've tried having other artists, but their voice don't fit it. I know yours will," I told her with a smile on my face. She studied my face and I could feel myself starting to blush.

"Do you have a stage name that you go by?" she asked.

"It's H.E.R.," I told her, "what's your name?"

"My name is Y/N," she replied.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Would you be willing to sing this song with me?"

"Yeah, I have nothing else better to do," she mumbled.

"Come on," I said picking up notepad. She stood up. I noticed that she was taller than me. There was a bruise on her cheek, but it was all that I saw. The curiosity began to intensify.

"Where are we going?" she asked me.

"A studio," I replied as we walked out of the train station. I had to get an uber because I didn't drive to the train station. The uber pulled up shortly after I requested it. I checked the license plates just to be sure. I also looked at the picture that was provided to make sure it was correct person. I climbed in the back and waited for Y/N to get in. She hesitated, but climbed in after a few seconds. She unconsciously tapped her finger against her thigh as she looked out the window. Her knuckles were bruised up. She was stunning, but she looked tired.

"Y/N, where are you from?" I asked her softly.

"Compton," she replied, "you?"


"Never been," she replied, "never been anywhere outside of Compton. This is my first time."

"What made you leave?"

"Can't stay out there too long. Would've never made it out and just been another face on a shirt," she told me. I didn't want to ask her anymore questions because I didn't want to step over any boundaries. We sat in silence, but I kept watching her fingers that she tapped against her thigh. I realize that she wasn't tapping them to a beat or anything. She was "air playing" the piano. After about thirty minutes of silence, we finally arrived at the studio. I thanked the Uber driver as we got out. Y/N followed behind me looking around.

"Are there any opened?" I asked the receptionist and she nodded. Knowing that I'd have to pay for studio time, I was going to make the best of it.

"She's with me," I said and the receptionist nodded.

"Five should be opened," the receptionist replied. I thanked her and walked away. Y/N continued to trail behind me. When we got to the studio, she looked at everything in amazement.

"I noticed you were tapping your leg in the car. Notes stuck in your head?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Um, yeah. Is it okay if I play?" she asked gesturing towards the piano. I nodded and she sat down. She began to play the melody and I kid you not it was the same one I had in my head.

"Holy shit," I said and grabbed the guitar. I sat down and began to strum along with her playing.

"That's the same melody that I had stuck in my head for the song," I told her.

"It was meant to be," she replied. I placed the guitar down and handed her the lyrics.

"Best Part. I like it," she replied. After fifty million hours of putting the music together, it was time for us to sing.

"I'm gonna go first. When I give you a thumbs up, press this button," I told her and she nodded nervously biting her bottom lip. I went in the booth and she sat down in the chair. I placed the headphones on and gave her the thumbs up. She pressed the button and I started to sing. I let the music take over me. Once it was her turn, she blew me away. She had so much vocal control and vocal range like no other. You'd think she had been trained to do it, but she wasn't. The music stopped and she nervously wiped her hands on her pants. She came out and sat down.

"Have you taken vocal lessons before?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I haven't. Could never afford to," she answered.

"Your voice is absolutely incredible. Just wow," I said and she blushed.

"Thank you," she replied.

"After a little polishing, this will be my first single that I release. I don't even think people are going to listen to me. Especially not with you on this track," I said playfully and she chuckled.

"Your voice is amazing," she said making me blush that time.

"Thank you. You think we should release this tonight?" I asked her.

"It's up to you. I'm just happy to have been apart of it," she told me. I immediately began to edit and cut some things out. The way our voices blended together so easily was just astonishing. Her being able to go from highest of highs to the lowest of lows was just bewildering. Few hours we were done, I sent it up to the head of the label. Not even ten minutes went by before he came in.

"This is literally gold," he said, "who's the other voice?"

"She's right there," I said pointing at Y/N, who shyly waved at him.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N," she answered. He reached out to shake her hand. She shook his hand.

"Your voice is like no other. It glides like butter on a hot cast iron skillet. Just fantastic. Are you signed to anyone?" he asked her and she shook her head.

"No, I just ran into Gabriella when I was on my way out of this city."

"Thank God you didn't leave because this song is a hit. I want it released tonight. Ms. Y/L/N, I would like to have a meeting with you tomorrow. Eight in the morning. Do not be late," he said and walked out.

"What in the hell just happened?" she asked me.

"I think you just impressed the fuck out of the head of the label," I replied. The song dropped at midnight. Twitter was in an uproar trying to figure out who Y/N was. The rest was history...

sorry any grammatical errors...
any requests?
part 2?

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