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Kehlani's POV

Imagine walking into a store just for it to get robbed. I was happy I was alone, but I was scared because you never know what could happen.

"Everybody on the ground now!" one masked man said with an assault rifle in his hands. Four other men entered the store wearing the same thing. One had a regular hand gun and the rest had assault rifles.

"You, empty all of the registers," the man, who seemed to be the leader, commanded.

"I can't do that. I'm not a manager, so I don't have the codes to access it," the shaky teenager said about to cry.

"Call the manager," he said. The teen called the manager and the manager rushed out of the office. They started from the very first register leaving the teenager alone. Before they could collect our phones, I sent out a S.O.S to the police.

Twenty minutes later, I heard a basket moving, so I turned my head in the direction of the sound. There was a person walking with an empty shopping cart. They walked down the aisle disappearing to the other side of the store.

"Everyone put your cell phones in the fucking bucket," the shorter assailant yelled. He collected everybody's phone. My mind wondered back to the person that was just walking around the store like clueless to what was going on.

"Give me any cash or cards that you have. Right now," the short one yelled again.

"This is some bullshit," someone next to me mumbled.

"Who's talking? Did anyone ask you to open your fucking mouths?" he yelled getting into the man's face. We out our money or cards in the bucket as they stood there pointing their guns at us. The person that had came in in the midst of everything finally reappeared. They were absolutely gorgeous; but it wasn't time for me to be swooning over a random person during a robbery in progress. They went to the cash register were the teenager was standing and started loading their things onto the conveyor belt.

"What in the helm is going on?" the leader shouted and came over to the cash register where the two were.

"Get down on the fucking ground, bitch," he said and they rolled their eyes as they continued to put things on the conveyor belt.

"I know you heard me, bitch," he yelled at them and the person never acknowledged him. I guess he felt played, so he held the gun up to their head. The person still never paid him any attention.

"Get on the ground before I blow your fucking brains out," he yelled at them.

"Hey, sweetie. Can you ring these up for me?" they asked the cashier.

"Uhh," the cashier said looking between the customer and the robber.

"It's okay. Go ahead," they told the cashier, who slowly rang the stuff up. The robber had a death glare on the person, who was still just ignoring his presence. He tapped their head with the gun and they finally turned their attention to him.

"Can I help you?" they asked. The robber lifted the gun up and shot at the roof expecting to get a reaction out of the person. He pointed it back at their head.

"Your gun works. That's great," they said turning their attention back to the cashier, who look like he was about to shit his pants.

"Im gonna blow your brains out," he told them and they shrugged.

"Hey, go ahead," they said and the man grew frustrated. He tried hitting them with the gun and failed miserably. They caught the gun and disarmed him holding it up to his head. The robber looked scared as hell.

"Josh, get her," he yelled and one ran up behind her only to get hit with the back of the gun breaking his nose. He dropped his gun and they kicked it away. He was out cold. They kicked the leader in the stomach and when he dropped to his knees, they hit him in the face knocking him out. The other two ran over to try to help. Not only did they disarm them, they knocked them out cold.

"You guys have zip ties, right?" they asked the cashier. The cashier ran to go get them. When the cashier came back, he handed them to them and they tied them all up. They put the guns in a shopping cart and dragged the men over to the entrance effortlessly. They then grabbed the bucket returning everyone's items to them. When they got to me, we held eye contact for about a minute. They handed me my phone and my wallet. My screen lit showing Adeya's face as my background.

"Cute kid," they said before walking to the next person. Everybody got their things and the police finally showed up and seemed surprised to see the robbers all tied up. We had to stay longer because the police needed to get everyone's statements.

My phone began going of like crazy. Apparently someone still had a phone and recorded everything. Especially the part where they got their ass beat. I found out that the person's name was Y/N, so I did look them up. I sent them a quick messaged thanking them for putting their life on the line.

to @.y/n:
thank you for putting your life on the line to save everyone else's

from @.y/n:
i think this would sound better in person.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion until I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

"I'm Y/N," they said quietly.

"I'm Kehlani. Thank you for being so brave. I can go home to my daughter now."

"How old is she?" they asked.

"She's two," I replied.

"I'm pretty sure she's at home waiting for her mama to get home," they said smiling softly.

"Knowing her she's eating some fruit on the sofa watching her stories. Not even worried about me," I said and they laughed.

"Not watching her stories," they laughed, which made me laugh.

"You seem cool. We should hangout sometime," I said and they nodded in agreement.

"I'd love to. I could use some friends out here."

"You just moved here?"

"Yeah, I got the lead part in a big movie that's gonna come out next year," they said to me.

"Oh wow. That's fantastic," I told them. They thanked me. We talked for a few more minutes until I was need to give my statement. Afterwards, I looked around briefly for Y/n, but I couldn't find them, so I went home.

from @.y/n:
☹️I never got your number, so we can hang out.

to @.y/n:

I heard my phone go off, but I couldn't check it because I was driving, so I waited until I got home. Adecua ran to me and I picked her up kissing her chubby cheeks as she giggled.

"Mama, is a abacado (avocado)," she said happily.

"Baby, that's a passion fruit," I told her and she giggled adorable. I checked my phone to see that I had a text message.

maybe y/n/n:
are you free this friday at seven?

I saved their number and texted back.

to y/n/n:
I am. Just text me the location.

from y/n/n
little diner called compact on the west side of town.

to y/n/n:
i'll be there.

from y/n/n:
can't wait!

Sorry for any grammatical errors.
Part 2??

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