More Than A One Night Stand?

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Your POV

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Your POV

"Let's fucking party," my best friend yelled as we walked into some party. We were immediately given shots from our other friend and we drank them. I spotted the fine little cutie in the party. She looked over at me and flashed me a bright smile showcasing her dimple. I smiled back and she blushed looking away. I knew who she was, but I needed to play it cool.

"We only been here for five minutes and you already making heart eyes at some girl," Jason said and I chuckled.

"She's cute," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"She looks familiar," he said and I nodded.

"Man, wait. Is that Beyoncé?" he asked.

"Who's that?" I asked forging confusion.

"Bitch, hold up. You don't know who Beyoncé is? Aww nah, I can't fuck with you," he said.

"Single Ladies?" I asked and he nodded.

"I can't believe you, man. Dishonor on you. Dishonor on ya cow," he said and I rolled my eyes at the Mulan reference.

"Is she ya know? Single?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Her and Jay got a divorce. It was all over social media and even the news," he said laughing.

"Good to know," I said sipping my alcoholic beverage. Did I go up to her immediately? No, she had niggas all over her. So I waited a few hours. I walked to the bar and ordered a drink. Once I got my drink, I headed to more of a secluded area and sat down.

"I would've expected you to walk up to me by now," I heard her say and I rolled my eyes.

"Why's that? I'm not tryna get almost body slammed by Julius again," I told her and she laughed.

"Still the same old Y/N," she said.

"Still the same old Bey," I replied.

"I was going to tell you, Y/N, but I didn't have a way to contact you," she whispered in my ear harshly.

"Yeah, I don't believe that shit. You have my address," I replied.

"How was I going to contact you? I don't have your number. I don't even know your last name," she fired back.

"You have my address. You could've looked me up and messaged me on any social media platform," I told her and looked over at her. I wanted to kiss her, but I was so upset with her.

"Do you know how easy it would be for some to get my information or yours? You'd have people stalking you like crazy," she told me.

"It doesn't matter, Bey. I missed the mood swings, the cravings. I missed them keeping you up all night by having a extravaganza on your stomach. I missed appointments. I missed seeing you give birth. I missed the first words, first steps. I missed so much, Bey. You're so selfish. I literally had to find out through social media," I told her.

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