"You're not my child anymore."

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a/n: not a celebrity imagine. just a regular imagine that popped up in my head.
Your POV

One thing I have always hated was going to my dad's for the weekend. My mom forced me to have some kind of relationship with him. Even when it was clear he didn't want it. I remember when he moved into his new house with his wife and her kids.

"Y/N, you're going and that's final," my mom said sternly and all I could do is roll my eyes. She drove me there and parked in front of his house.

"I'll see you on Sunday. I love you," she said and I just got out of the car. I walked to the front door and waited ten minutes for someone to come open it.

"Y/N, I forgot you were coming," My dad said.

"Well," I said to him. He let me in and I sat on the sofa with my backpack still on. Last time I put my backpack down, the bitch's ugly ass kids stole shit from me. I beat them up, but got in trouble for it. The day went by and I found myself getting more annoyed as time went on. When she made dinner, she specifically add something that I was allergic to. Sis couldn't cook anyways, but still.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But that's all we have to eat. Looks like you won't be eating," she said to me and I rolled my eyes. My dad said nothing at all. The last straw was them trying to make me sleep on the floor when they had an entirely furnished guest room.

"Why am I sleeping on the floor?" I asked them.

"Because there's no where else for you to sleep," his wife said and he sat back saying nothing.

"You have a furnished guest room," I replied.

"Okay, but it's not meant for you. So you can sleep on the floor," she replied.

"Why can't I sleep on the sofa then?"

"You're not laying on my furniture," she fired back as her ugly ass son was laying on the sofa.

"Yeah, that's dead. I'm not sleeping on the floor," I said putting my charger in my backpack and stood up.

"Where are you going?" my dad asked and I ignored him. I walked out of the house and his voice grew louder. I put my earphones in my ears and began walking home. I was probably a mile away from my dad's house before he found me.

"Y/N, get in the car," he said and I continued walking.

"I know you hear me."

"I do."

"Get in the damn car."

"No thanks. Leave me alone and go home," I told him.

"I am your father and you will do as I say."

"You're not my father."

"Yes, I am," he said stopping the car. He got out and tried to grab me, but I head butted the fuck out of him. He gave up and I continued walking home. Two hours later, I was finally home. I unlocked the door and went up to my room to shower.

"Y/N?" my mom said walking into my room.

"Yes," I replied as I brushed my teeth.

"Why did you leave your dad's house like that? You walking her by yourself is so dangerous. Never do that again," she said.

"I'm not going over there anymore, so it doesn't matter."

"And why is that?"

"He treats me like shit. You know that, but you keep trying the force the relationship you never had with your dad onto me. I hope you understand me when I say this. He can die and I wouldn't care at all."

"You don't mean that. You'll regret it."

"No, I won't." I told her and started washing my face. The next day, my dad had stopped my the house and was talking to my mother.

"Y/N, come sit down," my mom said and I sat far away from them.

"Your mother told me you wouldn't care if I died," he said and I shrugged.

"I won't care at all. You have a wife and two sons for all that," I told him.

"That's how you feel? After everything I've done for you?"

"Name one."

He was speechless. He got up and left. My mother looked disappointed in me.

"Why would you tell him that?"

"Oh my goodness. Why do you act so dumb? I tell you all the shit he's done and you're still trying to make me out to be the bad guy."

"Watch your mouth."

"Whatever. I'm going back to sleep," I replied and went back upstairs. I locked my door and moved my dresser in front of it. After a few hours, my mom was knocking on my door.

"Yes?" I yelled out.

"I'm going to work. Your dad is supposed to be dropping something off for you," she yelled.


"I love you. I got you some pizza. It's on the stove."

"Love you, too," I replied getting up to stretch. I moved my dresser and went downstairs to get the pizza. I ate half of it leaving the other half for my mother. An hour later, my dad showed up with a box. I opened the door and looked at him. He handed me the box.

"Here's all of your stuff since you don't care about me. Don't call me, don't text me or shit like that. You're not my child anymore," he said and I laughed in his face.

"Bro, I don't care. You could've burned this shit or something. You obviously wanted a reaction out of me, but this is the only one that you're going to get. 'You're not my child anymore." Boohoo, I'm so sad. When sis leaves you and runs of with your money, have fun. Enjoy your life, playa. I'll be enjoying mine without you in it. Toodles," I said and he seemed angry. I purposely dropped the box on his feet and closed the door in his face.

Sorry for any grammatical errors.

In Your DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora