"I don't want to just be your best friend."

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(Free Roam Imagine)
you imagine whomever you want...

Your POV

"Today fucking sucks," I said kicking a can down the street as I walked. My birthday was terrible. I had to work a double shift, spilled hot coffee on my leg, got written up and to top it off no one called to tell me happy birthday. The only good thing was that I had made a little extra, so that meant I could finally get a car. I didn't mind catching the bus, but sometimes it was either raining too hard or too damn cold to have to wait on it. Sometimes it ran too late and sometimes it ran too early.

I sat at the bus stop waiting. He arrived about ten minutes later and immediately smiled when he saw me.

"Well, look the birthday girl. Rough day?" he asked and I nodded.

"You seemed to be the only one to remember my birthday," I told him with a said smile on my face as I got my bus pass out. He waved me off.

"I got you something," he said pulling out a gift bag from the side where he kept his things.

"You didn't have to, Marvin," I replied.

"You're like my bonus granddaughter. I couldn't not get you anything," he said closing the door to the bus and pulling off.

"Thank you," I replied and he smiled.

"Go take a seat," he said and I nodded. I sat close to the front like always and opened the gift. It was a new iPad Pro.

"Whoa, this is damn near a thousand dollars, Marvin," I said and he laughed.

"And?" he asked and I just looked at him as if he were crazy.

"I can't accept this," I told him.

"You can and you will. I bought it for you," he replied.

"Thank you," I told him.

"You're welcome, sweetheart," he replied. It was only him and I on the bus, which wasn't strange because it was almost the next day. I stared out the window waiting to arrive at my stop.

"Look, Y/N/N. It's a shooting star," he said pointing at the object that was flying across night sky.

"Make a wish," he told me. I closed my eyes and made my wish. I knew that it wasn't going to come true, but why not try?

"Y/N/N, wake up," Marvin said shaking me. I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck.

"Fuck," I groaned and rubbed my neck.

"Yo ass was knocked out," he said and I chuckled. I grabbed my gift and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you," I replied and he hugged back. He was just a big teddy bear. Warm and cuddly. He pat my back and kissed my forehead.

"Go get some rest," he said as we pulled away.

"I'll see you Monday. I'm off tomorrow. Well... today. However, I will bake you some cookies and sneak them to you. " I told him and he nodded.

"Yay," he said clapping his hands.

"Have a good night. Tell David I said hi," I said I got off the bus and he smiled.

"Will do. Love ya, kid," he said.

"Love you, too," I told him and blew him a kiss. He playfully caught it and put it in his pocket. He waited until I got relatively close to my apartment and pulled off. I walked up the stairs and groaned. I opened my door and stepped in to see my roommate knocked out on the sofa with a bunch of beer bottles around her. I sighed as I locked the door. I brought my gift to my room and I went back to clean up the mess she had made. Her mom had recently died and she was drinking her life away. I picked her up and accidentally woke her up.

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