The Game Plan.

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Male You
Your POV

I was sitting in my loft going through the channels. I was sore as hell from football practice and I had a party to attended. I kept hearing someone buzzing me, so I finally got up to check.

"What's up, Baker?" I asked the doorman.

"Got a girl here to see you," he replied.

"Is she cute?" I questioned.


"Send her up," I told him and he chuckled.

"He never says no," he said. A few minutes went by and I heard little knocks on the door. I opened it, but saw no one there. I was about to close the fire, but I heard some clear their throat.

"Down here," the small voice said making me look down. I immediately locked eyes with the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen.

"What's up, lil one? You lost?"

"No, you're Y/N, right?" she asked me and I nodded.

"That's me. What's your name? You want an autograph or something?" I questioned.

"I'm Arya," she replied. she walked in and looked around. I was going to stop her because it looked wrong on so many levels.

"You can't just be walking into people's houses like that, lil mama. There's a bunch of weirdos in the world. You mama never taught you that?"

"She did."

"Well, where is she?" I questioned.

"On a plane."

"Why are you not with her?"

"She's in Africa."

"Okay, who are you here with?"

"My father."

"You need to get back to him. He's probably looking for you."

"He can't be looking for me."


"Because he's looking right at me," she replied and my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked.

"We've never met before, but you were married to my mom, Lillian," she replied.

"Lillian Warren?"

"I'm Arya. I'm your daughter." I sat down and I groaned. She stepped in and closed the door. She looked around in amazement.

"Nah, that's dead. Lillian and I never had a kid."

"She wrote you a note."

"A note for what?"

"Read it."

"This is so cool," she said looking at the electric guitar that was in a glass case.

"The note, Arya."

"This is for you," she said walking over to me. She sat next to me and looked around. Cautiously, I opened the envelope and there was a letter along with important info. It was stupid because Arya looked exactly like me.

Dear Y/N,

If you're reading this, you've met our daughter. Arya is the most intelligent seven year old on the planet. I know you wanted nothing to her. That's why I never gave you the DNA test results. You seemed happier without her, so I decided to let you be happy. Arya has always curious about who her dad was. It really Joe, I know this is a big surprise, but Arya is your daughter. I need you to watch her for about month. It's an emergency. I'll explain everything when I get back. I promise.

"You got a lot of pictures of yourself in here. Conceited much?"

"You want me to believe you're my kid, based on this? Anybody could easily have wrote this."

"Look in there. My birth certificate is there. Your name is on it," she said getting up to walk around."

"My name is not..." I trailed off as I saw my name on the paper. Oz came out of nowhere and jumped on the little girl. He excitedly licked her face making her giggle.

"Down, Ozzy," I said, but he was happy with the love she was giving him.

"Why would your mom drop you off at some man's house?" I asked her.

"You're not some man. You're my dad," she said with an adorable smile on her face. I took out my phone and dialed my manager's number.

"We got a problem," I said.

"Be there in twenty," she said and hung up.

"Well, are you hungry?" I asked her.

"Not really," she replied. She played with Oz while I had a mental breakdown until my manager arrived. When she got there, I opened the door and let her in.

"What's the problem..." she asked and stared at Arya.

"Yeah," I mumbled. She looked at me.

"Who is this?" Nadia asked me.

"I'm Arya, Y/N's daughter," Arya said offering her hand for Nadia to shake.

"You have a child?" Nadia asked.

"No... yes... no," I said sighing. We sat down and I gave her the papers to look at.

"How could you not know you had a child?" she asked me.

"The last time I talked to her mother was about eight or nine years ago. We talked about take divorce and ya know..."

"How old are you, mija?"

"Eight," Arya said playing with Ozzy.

"Congratulations, Y/N."

"Mija, this letter says your mom isn't coming back for a month. Where is she?"

"On her way to Africa."

"So she just thought to leave you here?"

"After I begged her for days. I told her I wanted to meet my dad."

"Is there anyone else you can stay with? An uncle, grandparent, cousin, neighbor?"

"Doesn't you mom have a sister? Aretha... Amy... Abigail?" I asked.


"Yeah, Angie. What about her?"

"She dead. Dead as hell. What shoes she got on in her casket?" she said and I slapped my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh. I hated to admit it; but she had to be my daughter because that was some shit I would've said.

"Well, how convenient is that?" Nadia said sarcastically.

"I guess," Arya replied.

"How do we call your mom?"

"Her cell won't work there. Too cheap to pay for international fees."

"DNA test," she said and started calling people. I don't know how she did it, but she got a doctor to come give us a DNA test and we had to wait for two days to get results.

"We don't even look alike," I said smiling and Arya smiled just like me putting her face close to mine. We sat there for a few minutes until my manager sighed.

"You still have to go to that party," my manager said and I groaned.

"What am I supposed to do with her?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Bring her with you. Isn't it like Restaurant opening?"

"There aren't going to be any kids," I said and she rolled her eyes. I got dressed and took Arya downstairs with me.

"Thanks for the heads up, Baker," I said and he laughed.

"I told you she was a cutie," he shrugged.

Sorry for any grammatical errors.
Part 2??

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