The Purge.

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Your POV

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Your POV

"Help!" someone screamed. I ignored the call for help because it could've been a set up. I constantly ignored it until the pleads got closer. There was loud banging on my front door, so I grabbed my handy dandy 9mm and looked through the peephole.

"Help me, please. I was on my way home and I didn't make it in time. They popped my tires and I've been running for like two hours. Please help," she pleaded. I groaned and opened the door.

"If you try anything, I will splatter your brains all over the wall," I told her and she nodded in fear. I let her in and closed the door. I slid the metal door over the front door and proceeded to do the same with the windows. I looked at her and my eyes widened.

"Someone has a hit out on you," I told her.

"How do you know that?" she questioned. I pulled up my computer and showed her the reward for her death.

"What the hell? I've never done anything to anyone," she said.

"Well, sweetie. They want you dead and gone. I'll keep you safe though. You want some water?" I asked her and she nodded. I handed her a bottle of water. Three hours quickly went by, I started to hear loud screaming coming down the street.

"You ever used a gun before?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"Okay, today is your lucky day," I said to her handing her my back up 9mm with two clips as a just in case. I quickly gave her a tutorial on how to use it and she caught on quickly.

There was a loud banging on my door, so I turned on my ring camera to talk to them.

"Yellow," I said and the guy looked pissed off.

"Where is she?"

"Who is she?" I questioned.

"The girl."

"There's a lot of girls," I told him.

"I will break down this door and chop off your head."

"I'm so scared," I said grabbing my special controller. Being the tech nerd that I was, I might have had a very vicious security system.

"Break the door down," he said gesturing his boys to come to him.

"You have five seconds to leave this property," the automated voice said and they just kept trying to break down the door.

"One... Two... Five," it said before lighting them bitches up. They screamed trying to run away not knowing that it could detect their movements. They didn't make it back to their car, which caused a large commotion. Other people pulled up and got lit up as well. I quickly reloaded the guns before more could showed up.

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