I enjoyed the food and laughed at the twins jokes. The headmaster gave a speech but I didn't hear a thing. Apparently he said something about a forbidden corridor and a prohibited forest. 

Since Charlie was the Prefect for my house he led us to the dormitories. After almost falling down the crazy staircases five times and having the twins catch me all five we finally arrived at the common room.    

I was disappointed at first, boys and girls had different dorms. But Alicia and Angelina seemed nice. When I entered the dorm I found my trunk waiting for me on the feet of my bed.

• • • 

When I woke up in the morning, I saw a fourth bed with a girl asleep in it. I glanced over to Alicia and Angelina who were both asleep, and headed to the bathroom. I washed my face and teeth and headed out. When I came back I only saw Angelina and Alicia in their beds with the girl no longer in hers'. I changed into my robes quietly and went down to the common room.

The girl who was sleeping in the fourth bed had long dark hair and was sitting on the couch reading quietly. I walked over to her and cleared my throat she looked up, she had dark brown eyes.  

"Hello," I started. "I'm Rose Lightbourn. Who are you?"

"Amara, Amara Morgenstern." 

"Well I just wanted to introduce myself since you are in my dorm and everything." 

"Oh right." Amara said looking down at her book once more.

"Why weren't you in the sorting?" I asked her.

"Oh well, you can't tell anyone. I am technically a second year. I come from Beauxbatons but I was expelled so I guess I was a special case." 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosey." I told her.

"You aren't. So tell me, are you muggle-born?" Amara asked suddenly.

"Is that a problem?" The atmosphere suddenly turned tensed. Yes, Fred and George both told me that I probably would have problems with my blood status, but that they would be right by my side. I guess joke's on me. 

"No, Not to me anyways. My family is big on blood purity, but i'm not." Amara replied looking unsure. 

In that moment the twins and Lee came strolling down the stairs. They were grinning widely, that is until Fred and George caught sight of Amara. Lee just continued to smile.

"Oh hey you guys, this is my dorm-mate Amara Morgenstern." I told them. Lee was the only one who waved, the twins were just looking at her. 

"Amara?" George broke the silence first. Amara suddenly looked tensed. 

"Rosie," Fred started. "Would you come hear a second, there is something I need to tell you." He said, not taking his eyes off Amara. I walked over to Fred and he pulled me near the staircase so no one would overhear our conversation. 

"Fred? What's wrong?" I asked him. 

"Rose that girl is bad news, you have to stay away from her." He said in a panicked voice. 

"Fred what are you talking about? She seems nice-" I tried to reason with him. But Fred only dismissed my words and continued talking. 

"Rose, what was the first thing she asked you?"

"Um, well my name?" I told him, though it sounded more like a question. 

"She asked your blood-status didn't she?" He questioned.

"How do you-?"

"Because she is a Morgenstern, Rose! It is what they do. Her family was involved with You-Know-Who in the war. Morgenstern's are dangerous." Fred said sternly. 

"Wait! Wasn't You-Know-Who the wizard who killed all those muggles and muggleborns?" I asked Fred.

"Yes! But that is not the point here. You have to stay away from Lilith Morgenstern." said Fred.

"Lilith?" I questioned. "No Fred, her name is Amara."

"No it's not. Look Rose, dad works with her father at the ministry. We had the unfortunate luck to cross paths once, I do not know what she told you but whatever she said it's a lie. She is as much as a blood supremacist as they come." I knew Fred was only trying to protect me. But Amara or Lilith or whatever her name was seemed nice. Why was she such bad news?

"Morning you two." Charlie's voice rang through the boy's staircase.

"What's with your faces?" He asked once he noticed the scowls in both our faces.

"We were having a discussion-" Fred cut me off.

"Did you know Lilith Morgenstern was sorted into Gryffindor?" 

"Lilith Morgenstern? As in Avalon Morgenstern's little sister?" Charlie looked even more panicked then Fred.

"Oh bloody hell." Charlie sighed. "How did you found out? Has she said something to you?" 

"Rose was talking to her earlier." Fred answered. Charlie turned to look at me.

"Rosie, there as some wizards, like the Morgenstern family, that think they are superior because they are what they call pureblood." Charlie informed me.

"What is wrong with my blood." I asked Charlie, concern written all over my face.

"Nothing is wrong with your blood. But in their eyes it is not pure. Personally I do not see the difference between a pureblood and a muggleborn, but they do. I am not sure how much you know about the wizarding war Rose, but it was not pretty. Many people died, and most people were muggleborns like you. The Morgensterns are not the kind of people you want to surround yourself with, you will understand that soon enough." He told me. There was something about Charlie that screamed 'Big Brother'. Since I never had a brother, perhaps Charlie was the closest thing to a brother that I was going to get so I nodded my head and went to fetch George. As we entered the common room once more I heard the last bit of a very heated discussion. 

"-At least I have my priorities right, you filthy blood-traitor!" Snarled Amara in George direction. I just stood there looking at her. Maybe Fred and Charlie were right, perhaps she was a blood supremacist. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now