Transition: <3 [DSC]

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Transition: <3

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Transition: <3


Lucas and Midnight, Gucci and Hendery were sitting in Dream café. Apparently, it was couple's day and the two couples had always found time to catch up with each other. If Lucas and Midnight were two peas in a pod like Gucci and Hendery, they were two pods in a pea.

Yeah, that was what Hendery said and it didn't make sense but no one had to heart to tell him.

Today, however, as the two couples sat down, they were greeted by a familiar face that decided to join them. Dong Sicheng had walked into the café, blinking at the bright colors as he glanced at the counter to nod at Cupid, Sungchan's girlfriend who so cheerfully waved at him.

"But today is couple's day!" Cupid exclaimed, Sicheng waving a hand to her as if to tell her to let it go.

"Let me sit here or I'll tell Jaemin that you always give out free food," he said to her, Cupid making a face at Sicheng.

"Winwin!" Lucas greeted him by his nickname, Sicheng nodding at his friend and taking a seat. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Sicheng is always busy, you know. Handling a start up and all," Hendery said this proudly to Gucci and Gucci said: Yes, I know. You told me like, three times.

"Coffee, please," Sicheng gave out an order and a kind smile to the person taking it.

"How's the start up going?" Hendery asked conversationally. "I heard you're going to bring your team to a gaming competition?"

"Yeah, the team that wins gets investment money. We need it to continue to develop the game or we're letting all our other investors down." Sicheng didn't want to admit it, but he was having a tough time. "Kun isn't very happy about my future plan. He says I quit a well-paying job just to put my whole career at risk."

"Have you been talking to Xiaojun?" Lucas asked and everyone froze, Midnight hitting Lucas on the shoulder. Sicheng felt the tension in the air, the male looking down at his hand before shaking his head. It has been a while since he had spoken to Xiaojun.

A few years.

"Saw him when Chenle got kidnapped and Shanghai-jie came back, remember?" Sicheng asked, trying to lighten up the mood. "He sends stuffs, sometimes."

And that was true, Xiaojun would send stuff sometimes, Sicheng just never responded to his tries.

But his words seemed to put his friends at ease.

"At least you guys have contact," Hendery said happily and Sicheng nodded. "What's up, by the way. You never come out to see us."

"Oh, I just..." He cleared his throat. "I mean, you know about the gaming competition, right? So... Uh, remember that one e-gaming competition we had with EXO High?"

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