The End: <3

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"DSC Tech is the winner this year! Striking up a following the past year with a new game, DSC Tech is a promising new start-up. A mix of AR and True Crime, along with their coach who was once in the gaming industry, DSC Tech is one step closer to their goal of dominating the gaming market!"

Sicheng was happy. His heart swelled. His teammates had jumped up and he watched as they all clamored to grab each other—a group hug, they said. A group hug! All of them embraced each other and Sicheng thought to himself that the success was his, not theirs.

Yet here they were, helping him and feeling the victory with him.

"Let's bring the winners up on stage—Oh, babies!" the MC said, Jeno hauling up his two twins on stage because he wanted a picture with his two girls. He smiled brightly, Yangyang hopping onto the stage when he felt a hand slip into his.

"We did it," she told him. "Let's pay back those investors, shall we?"

"We shall," he quipped, Sicheng pressing his lips onto Mercy's cheek. "Call the rest here. Changbin, Felix, Lee Know! Chris and Craig! Come here! Mark, you too."

With that, his employees had rushed over to him, Sicheng unable to keep himself from smiling brightly as all of them marched onto the stage. The money they were getting was one thing. The fame was another.

This was all he needed, his people holding him up. There was an influx of people on stage but Sicheng was glad that they were just like family as they were friends. Under the flashing bright lights, Mark Lee and his awkward smile because he simply came to babysit the babies, Changbin and his aggressive roaring, and his beautiful girlfriend beside him—Sicheng basked in the feeling.

"Round of applause for DSC Tech!" the MC roared and Chenle roared back, pumping a fist in the air. Confetti flew around and they cheered, Sicheng watching as their photos were brought up on screen. He was born for this, he found himself thinking. It didn't matter if he was able to play. What mattered was that he was bringing everyone to the top with him.

"A few words from MarsX to DSC Tech, please."

The coach of MarsX looked over at Sicheng, both of them smiling at each other.

"Dong Sicheng was an impeccable player," he began. "It was an honor to have played side by side with him as a professional player. They say bad things happen so good things can come." He smiled at Sicheng. "You may not be in the field, but you're doing one hell of a job coaching. Kudos to you, Dong Sicheng."

Sicheng gave him a thumbs up.

"If you ever think of training a team, MarsX is right here," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Everyone, give it up to our one hell of an opponent! DSC Tech and Dong Sicheng!"

Another wave of cheers from the people and Sicheng chuckled, the microphone being shoved towards his lips.

"Gaming is revolutionary. E-Sports is revolutionary," he began. "I would like to thank all my team members. DSC Tech is focused on creating and producing games at the moment but I'm sure in later years to come, those in the e-sports industry will see us on the field. Until then, look forward to us."

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