Chapter 89: New Life

Start from the beginning

'Wearable symbols of Orre!'

Amber giggled, too. 'That's really thoughtful, Seth. Thanks. And thank Wes for me.'

Bianka had a similar idea. Her gift was a baby mobile featuring tumbleweeds, fries, highway signs and cacti. Cassia arrived with a painting of cartoon-style Amber, Trip and Camden in spacesuits from The Deoxys Files. She didn't know what was in the box she lugged from Raihan and Olivia. Leon cut it open. It was a Togepi-print stroller.

'Wow! You're being spoiled!'

There were two more gifts. One was a cuddly Lugia from Michael. The other, in plain brown paper, had no gift tag. Trip carefully cut through the tape. A Zubat plush was inside. Nothing was written even on its tag. When Amber reached to throw the paper in the recycling bin, a crumpled note on Pyrite Police paper fell out. Abbey peered over her shoulder.

'Well! Now miracles are happening!'

Amber nudged Trip. He squinted down at the hurriedly scrawled text.

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Trip glanced back at Amber. 'Do we keep it...?'

She, in turn, looked at Leon. He smiled.

'It's entirely up to you. But I meant it when I said I forgive him. For what it's worth.'

Amber left the Zubat with Camden. 'Let him decide.'

After her six-week postnatal checkup, she and Trip returned to The Under with Camden. It wasn't a home anyone else wanted then, but it was their home. They framed Cassia's painting over the sofa. The giant Wooloo stood guard by the door. Once all the plushies were seated, there was barely room to sit on the sofa. Trip at least wanted to cook for Amber, so Leon arrived with pans and tagines to teach him. Looker joined them for dinner. He was there to check up on the remaining officers and prisoners, but he wasn't missing a Fayed feast.

It was quiet when they left. Camden was asleep with his Zubat. As much as Amber appreciated his legions of 'aunties' and 'uncles,' she was glad for time alone with her new family. Trip thought, when he first learned of the pregnancy, that parenting would bore Amber like nothing else, but it was an endless journey of discovery. Neither of them knew what they were doing. Nothing happened as they expected it. Amber still strolled around with a groggy smile.

'This is the real challenge.'

Wheels scraped in the corridor outside. Trip stood. He expected one new arrival, but there was a whole crowd. Blusix's brother Browsix wheeled along a dumpster. Resix broke into Znider's apartment. He began to hurl possessions into the dumpster, but he was held up as he stared incredulously into every drawer and cupboard.

'This place is full of booby traps... but none of them even work! What a hack!'

Under the bed was a crate of clinking poison bottles mixed with cleaning products. Resix pulled on gloves to handle it.

'Are we sure he hasn't poisoned anyone? None of them are full.'

Blusix grimaced. 'You're the cop. You tell us.'

'Aw, man! I didn't expect hazardous waste. I need a disposal bin. Brothers...?'

Greesix sighed. 'I'll get it...'

'Check the pharmacy,' Trip suggested, 'It's in the supermarket.'

'Thanks, kid.'

Trip stepped around the remaining brothers, Purpsix and Yellosix, to greet Wyatt. He sat on his suitcase. His sister and mom waited with him. Amber peered out.

'Is it as bad as his place in Phenac?'

'No,' Resix called, 'I don't have to console his wife while she discovers she's not just married to a Cipher Admin, but living in his DIY spy barn.'

'How are you, Wyatt? Excited?'

'Yeah, but... I feel like I don't deserve this opportunity after...'

'Of course you do. You'll be the reason no-one dares fuck with The Under again. And you'll make sure it's really used for housing this time.'

'Well, yeah...'

Blusix threw a broken metal cabinet in the dumpster. He wiped his hands on his shorts.

'While they're dealing with hazardous waste and whatever else... let's go check out the colosseum.'

'Can we come?' Amber asked, 'I'm curious.'

'Are you ever not curious? I mean, you can come if you really want... but it's full of porta potties right now.'

'The porta potty! Another Orrean icon! We have portaloos in Galar too, but they're even more popular here. Let's go, Trip!'

Construction workers, preparing The Under for the new housing project, repaired the elevator. There was plenty of room for Camden's stroller. They crossed the bridge to the colosseum. The last prisoners were transferred to Cipher's jail. Marowak forced open the doors to the battlefield. It was indeed circled by porta potties. A temporary kitchen was set up in a locker room. Blusix nodded at Wyatt.

'Happy with this?'


'Check out the porta potties, Camden!'

Blusix released his team of Water-type Pokémon: Kingdra, Seaking, Lanturn, Ludicolo, Vaporeon and Walrein.

'Then let's start cleaning!'

Amber and Empoleon weren't invited to help, but they joined Trip, Azumarill and Tentacruel anyway. Blusix thought she was weird. Trip only smiled. Dragonite and Charizard carried out the porta potties. Miror B. and Tierno arrived with several other Gym Trainers. Their Pokémon cleaned along to the beat of the cheerful disco music that followed them. The floor and stands sparkled. Wyatt made an order from Gateon Port's Parts Shop on his P★DA. The next day, Emili and Perr arrived with his order of screens and neon signs to help fix the damaged electrics. Blusix watched the space come together like a proud dad. He clapped Wyatt's shoulder.

'I picked the right successor.'

He waved when Zane arrived unannounced. 'Welcome to Orre's new Psychic-type Gym!'

'Ooh! When Amber told me, I had to see it for myself! Hey, new Gym Leader!'

Wyatt was still a little nervous. 'Well, I've only just got started on the space... and I have to get the rest of my Badges yet.'

'You will!'

As they celebrated, rocks scattered at the surface. A lone, bloodied hand emerged from the tunnel blocked by the landslide. There was a shove. In a cloud of dust, Ardos staggered out. His malnourished and overworked Shadow Pokémon were on the verge of death. Even his own supplies were almost exhausted. The International Police were still digging below. As he slipped away unnoticed, he recalled Alfie proclaiming 'Cipher lives' as they escaped Motostoke Prison.

No, you fool... now Cipher lives.

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