Chapter 53

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Luna's P.O.V
I had talked with Lucci and his team for another hour during the night before they had to go sleep and around midnight Sanji came up and took over shift so I could sleep as well. I had managed to get a five hour sleep and like if I had an inner alarm clock I was up at five in the morning and had gone to use the washroom which us girls usually took turns and made sure no males peeped in at us.

Once I was done and dressed I stood guard outside the door and chased Sanji away and had a great idea. "Can you please go make some food we'll be hungry once their done getting ready for the day."

Sanji gulped blushing. "Of course Luna-chan." Sanji took off right away to the kitchen and I giggled since that would give us girls some time from Sanji.

Once Nami and Robin were done with getting washed and ready us three walked to the kitchen and I noticed Robin kept looking at me. "Might as well ask what's on your mind Robin."

Robin was surprised as she looked to me and she smiled softly. "Well I was curious; how did you manage to not have any anger towards the world."

I looked to her seriously as we sat and noticed everyone went quiet. "Oh believe me I wanted to be mad and angered at the world...but with the people I care for, respect, and look up too. I don't want my hatred to blind my judgement; I mean it wasn't every being in this world that destroyed my island and my it was the world government. Do I want my revenge against them? Hell yes I do but I'm not a fool Robin; I can take my time cause I know that with time karma will bite them hard in the ass and if I'm lucky I'll get a front row seat to see the World Government burn to the ground."

Usopp was listening and he looked to Luffy and the rest who had all been listening and he looked spoke. "Have you ever been mad like I mean angered at the world?"

Luffy froze and he grabbed my right hand as reassurance he had remembered our training with Garp when I had lost my temper and ended up hurting him.

"Yeah once when I was ten; Garp had been training myself and Luffy I don't know if it was because of the heat or the way that Garp was beating up Luffy I mean yeah he doesn't stay harmed long but still. Luffy's my brother so of course I wanted to protect the family I now have; I remember Garp had said that Luffy was pathetic and weak he wouldn't be able to be a pirate that he would be better to become a marine...I remember like my body went on auto pilot and I attacked Garp. I remember brief glimpses and had ended up with Luffy hugging me and snapping me out of it." Looking outside sadly and felt Luffy hug me close.

"Hey Garp said it was an accident and that's the truth Luna; accidents happened and Garp is alright. A couple small scratches and he was proud of yourself for finally fighting back and protecting me like you said you would when we met." Luffy had spoken seriously.

Zoro smiled softly as he thought about when Ace was on the ship and he had found Luna, Ace and Luffy laying on the deck looking at the stars and he looked to Luffy and Luna. "So what is it about the stars that you like? When Ace was here you three were laying on the deck looking at the stars."

I smiled softly and looked to Luffy. "Well when we were children I had never seen a meteor shower; and one night on our island Luffy came running in talking about the meteor shower of course I said I had never seen one. Well  of course Ace, Sabo and Luffy grabbed me and we ran outside into the lawn we lived in the middle of the forest with the mountain bandits that were taking care of us for Garp so we never worried about the lights of the village and I remember we laid there all night watching the shooting stars. We ended up falling asleep outside and when we woke the bandits had made us a small camp fire outside so we could keep warm."

Luffy chuckled smiling. "I remember that night; us three argued over who was going to share their blankets with you whenever it was time to go to bed."

I snickered. "Oh I remember that one time you three decided to start arguing that I went inside and fell asleep in the window which was funny and the bandits laughed as well."

"I wonder how their all doing back home on the island; I do miss them but we have to keep them all safe no matter what happens right?" Luffy looked to me.

Nami was curious. "May I ask but what is the name of your island?"

I looked to Luffy and smiled. "Dawn Island; they don't get very many pirates or marines there since it's such a small village. The entire year that Shanks had been there he was apparently the only pirate to stay the longest since that use to be his base. When marines came they made themselves scarce so that no fights would happen and it kept the peace for everyone on the island. The mountain bandits kept to their bases as well and there was rarely ever any problems; us kids would take to the forest when the marines would come after Shanks left permanently. I didn't mind all the marines you would get the odd one who would help out and treated people with respect and other times you had a bad egg."

Luffy frowned. "Usually gramps would be there when those marines came to make sure that they weren't roaming all over the island; the mountain bandits leader had a decent bounty back then if I remember and she was let off because gramps helped her to hide and he would make her watch us. First it was Ace, then myself and Luna and we met Sabo who was with Ace and was Ace's first friend. He was always with Ace whenever Ace would yell at us and that would make Luna smack Ace hard upside the head and she earned his respect but he always hit me and tried to chase me away as I tried to convince him to be my friend."

"So how did you manage to become friends and eventually siblings with Ace and Sabo?" Chopper asked curiously as he sat at his spot at the table.

I moved leaning on the back legs on my chair balancing it and had my knee's against the underside of the table for support. "Well that's where it starts getting a little harder for us; but on the other side of the island from the village was a placed called Grey Terminal it's where some Celestial Dragons had made home and man did we hate them...all but Sabo; he was the good person among them all he ran and met Ace and then...another bandit or pirate made base nearby and they worked for them."

"Wait? Worked for them? You mean like stealing or something and doing the grunt work?" Nami asked surprised. "Ace is such a kind person why would he work for those people?"

"Because back then Ace was believed to be a monster for being the son of Gold D. Roger and he figured that if people were going to call him a monster then he would act like one. But even back then Ace believed he had a purpose in this world and I'm glad we became his family and he also became a member of the White Beard Pirates. Honestly in all these years Ace never looked as happy as he did when he was talking about them and Luffy..." I looked to Luffy as he looked at me and I smiled. "Ace met Shanks not long after he left home; he met the Red Haired Pirates on a winter island as well had food and drinks with them. He got the chance to personally talk with Shanks and sit down with him and the crew and celebrate together."

Luffy was shocked but smiled softly. "I'm happy Ace met him and got a chance to see the person that Shanks can be when he's around those he has respect for. One day Luna that will be us; we'll see Shanks again and we will talk to him again as well."

Rob Lucci x OC (Book 1 Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang