Chapter 43

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Luna's P.O.V
Just before the sub came over the horizon did I finally return to camp. I had talked with Lucci for awhile before resting again and I smiled softly feeling how happy Lucci was.

I had talked with Lucci a little once I had enough energy the mark on my neck healed and a mark of Lucci's bite was on my neck on the left side. I walked back with Sanji and we rested for a bit till the crew woke as the sun was rising.

I was amazed at the sunrise as you could see the heat coming with it and it formed mirages with it making it look like water on land. I had been cleaning my blade and staff as I gripped them worried about what was to come.

I felt Lucci send me calm and reassurance as  I got ready and woke up the crew and I sent back happiness and thankfulness for him helping me to calm down.

Nami woke up and she hugged me seeing that I was alright now after yesterday. "Are you alright Luna? You were still kind of out if it even when the rebels appeared."

"I'm alright I promise Nami; I just...I just don't like people like that guy. Come on Sanji's making food we need to wake everyone else the sun has just started appearing over the horizon." I helped her up as herself and Vivi had gotten changed in our last location to cooler clothes but I kept to mine.

"We should go over the plans again for when we get there." Zoro had spoken up as Sanji had rudely woke him up just a few seconds ago.

The leader came in just as he heard Zoro. "We'll make the distraction in the village; the rest of you's are heading to the palace to deal with Crocodile."

I looked to Luffy seriously. "Luffy; your our ace in the hole I hate to ask this of you...but you need to go after Crocodile as we deal with the remaining agents. Our jobs are deal with the agents and if you can head off to back up Luffy if required...if it comes to it then stay out of the fight."

Vivi was worried but she nodded her head. "I'll lead you's into the palace they still have my family there I'm not going to stay back while everyone else is making the hard sacrifices for all of us."

The rebel leader looked to Vivi sadly and he spoke up. "No matter what happens; you must stay safe Vivi that means staying..."

"Hey! She's giving her all in this bloody mess that you say has been free of any innocents harmed. Every time you've attacked and degraded Crocodile and his men he attacks back with twice the damage and more lives have been lost. Vivi was trying at least to find a way to save the kingdom with out all the blood shed; when she joined us we all became involved in trying to save not just the kingdom but your ass as well. I'll take point in being her guard; every one that tries to harm her will find out you don't fuck with us Straw Hats. Crocodile is a pirate and that means he's not going to play by the rules he's a Warlord." I spoke up I wasn't ticked but I was in serious mode I didn't want to see anything happen to anyone with us especially if he messed up.

Vivi looked worried to us. "But a Warlord is stronger then you's; what if he kills you all? Then what about your dreams?"

Sanji let out a breath of smoke and stepped aside as Luffy walked over and I smiled to Luffy standing by his side as I heard him speak.

Luffy looked to Vivi seriously. "We won't loose; this team is stronger then they look Vivi I'm pretty sure their previous fights have proven that. We even went to save Nami together and are still alive."

The leader smiled shaking his head. "You's must have the devil's luck to survive the hard fights you've encountered so far."

I smiled looking to my friends and to Luffy one more time before turning to face the other two. "You can call it devils luck after all you have two D's here...but I call it working together as a team and getting past all problems together like a family. That's where real power comes from. Now shall we get going?"

Vivi nodded and as the rebels went one way as planned we followed Vivi in and I sneered moving and took out weak pirates that had been sent to slow us down. I moved more quicker then I ever did and used my staff to knock them out. "I'm headed above I can give better cover."

Luffy frowned. "Be careful Luna; join up as soon as you can!" Luffy hurried behind the others as they started spreading out as agents showed themselves and we started fighting our opponents.

Lucci's P.O.V
I was watching as Luna fought I was impressed as every time she got sent flying she would get up and I watched as she drew her blade and it looked like she was dancing as she fought.

I could tell she was serious but calm and I smiled softly knowing she would be alright. I looked to Jabra when he arrived and we both continued to watch we had been told to watch Crocodile here in Alabasta and I for one was proud of my mate.

"Damn your woman is like a fricken fighting machine." Jabra was watching and Lucci felt pride and as the fights moved towards the palace Lucci and Jabra both moved but kept their distance and they watched as a sand storm came from nowhere.

Lucci cursed and he spoke mentally to his mate. 'Watch out Luna; this sand storm is apart of Crocodiles powers. Do not get caught in this; if your caught or anyone gets caught he will kill you all.'

Luna remembered what Lucci said about talking mentally and she cursed covering her nose with her mask that sat around her neck. 'Thanks for the heads up; my captain is suppose to be fighting him anything else you can tell me about this bastard?'

Luna motioned to the crew to get into hiding as the storm passed around violently till they couldn't see one another.

Lucci frowned as they lost visual as well and he worried but knew that Luna was alright. 'You said your captain was heading off to fight him? Be careful Luna for Crocodile can make all fluids in the body become nonexistent do you get what I'm saying? He will kill an ordinary person.'

Luna frowned thinking. 'I believe my captain can win; he believes in us and you haven't seen the leaps and bounds my captain can take and he'll be stronger if he looses the first fight.' Luna gasped when limbs appeared around herself, Nami, Chopper, and Usopp. "Ah shit."

Lucci watched as the storm resided and he took off with Jabra and stopped seeing Luna and her few friends in a cage of limbs and smirked to himself. "Nico Robin go figure. Of course she would hide with this man; she's useful to him."

Jabra chuckled. "She's at the top of the wanted list along with a few others; who knew that your mate would eventually lead us to one of our targets."

"Enough my mate didn't know she was here; but I'm curious to see what's going to happen. She's ticked she knew their trapped but her staff isn't one to touch; it has sea prism worked into making it an enemy to all devil fruit users."

Jabra sneered but saw that Robin had appeared and was talking with Luna and he looked to Lucci who looked frustrated. "She's blocking you; that means that Robin wants to talk."

Rob Lucci x OC (Book 1 Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें