Chapter 7

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Luna's P.O.V
I yawned as we were drifting with no wind and I checked my compass and sighed. "Of course now my compass doesn't work dang it." I sighed when I sat up and looked to see Luffy and Zoro were hungry like I was. "I would say fishing but we don't have a rod or anything to use for fishing."

Zoro sighed softly. "So then how do we find the next island?" Looking to myself and Luffy and frowned when Luffy asked how he navigated. "I only drifted island to island."

I smirked. "Zoro? How's your sense of direction?" Playfully smiling as I looked at him and saw a blush and giggled. "Don't worry Zoro we'll figure something out when we get to the next island; we just have to hope that it has people on it." I had been talking to Zoro and gasped softly when I saw Luffy eyeing a bird flying high above us and before I could say anything he tried to catch the bird only that the bird caught Luffy in it's mouth.

Zoro and I yelled together and I sat as Zoro started paddling and as we were going I tried to keep a watch on the sky when we came across some pirates and frowned when they looked like clowns.

"Well well boys look at what we have here; a beautiful woman I'm sure we can have some fun with. This boat is now ours."

Zoro and I glared at the trio and beat them up and made them paddle to the nearest island we only hoped that Luffy would be alright and not do anything foolish.

I looked and listened as Zoro was talking with the trio and frowned when they talked about Buggy the Clown and hummed softly. "Oh right I heard about that man; he looks like a clown and people say he has the devils powers."

Zoro looked to me seriously. "Devil's powers? What the hell does that mean?"

I sighed softly and looked to Zoro seriously. "Devil fruit user; I just can't remember what Buggy's devil fruit is oh well if we fight him we might see it. I guess I should see if I can get my hands on any sea stone for future fights against devil fruit users maybe have it in shackles or weapons incase any future members need it. From now on we'll have to be on our feet and get stronger there are many dangerous people in this world and many devil fruit users."

Zoro listened nodding his head. "Yeah there is. Hey there's the island; as soon as we're on the island we should start looking for Luffy."

I nodded my head and closed my eyes trying to see if I could sense him and looked towards the town. As soon as the ship was docked we took off and I grabbed Zoro dragging him to the town where we had heard an explosion before we docked and I wasn't worried about Luffy since he could reflect the bomb.

I stopped with Zoro panting and followed him as we moved protecting an orange haired woman a little older then me that I could guess. I had my blade out and didn't use my haki yet since using my haki right now took a lot of strength and I needed to be able to have enough energy cause I had a feeling that this fight would be drawn out.

Buggy was shocked seeing two new characters and frowned when he saw the katana on the girl. "Hey girlie where did you get that blade?!" He knew that the last person who had it was Red Haired Shanks the very man he blamed for making him eat a devil fruit by accident.

I was back by Luffy and sighed looking to Buggy bored like. "From a friend not that you have any right to ask Clown." I kneeled touching the cage and looked to Zoro and then to the cannon and smirked. "So miss what's your name?"

"I-it's Nami; so your his friends then that he was talking about? You don't look that scary."

Zoro and I smirked and I was worried when Zoro got hurt in his abdomen and I deflected the next attack and my eyes were cold as I raised my blade. "How dare you harm my nakama; you can hurt and insult me but you touched them then you'll be seeing death quicker then you think."

Luffy's P.O.V
Luffy froze when he saw that Zoro had gotten hurt and he worried as well hearing the change of tone in Luna's voice and he shivered remembering the last time he saw her like this was when he had been captured and beaten by the group on the island that Ace, Sabo and Luna saved him from.

He knew what she could before she left and he knew that she had gotten stronger and he fought to try and get free. "Luna! Luna please calm down! Remember you said you would never be like those people long ago!"

He stopped Zoro and Namj from getting closer my shaking his head and  saw pirates went to attack Luna. "She's snapped; she's great at controlling her anger and blood lust but when someone she cares for is hurting in anyway then she snaps and she's scary."

Luna's P.O.V
I has heard Luffy telling me to calm down and I felt a calming feeling coming from the bite mark and as I was gaining control of myself again I heard running feet and swung my sword and it looked like I was dancing among the small group attacking and defeated them.

I glared at Buggy and smirked darkly seeing him shiver. "Your lucky my captain has told me to stand down or your head would no longer be on your shoulders. Zoro!" Smiling to him and he moved and I helped as we flipped the cannon. "Nami can you light the fuse please?"

I saw Zoro carry Luffy who was still in the cage and was worried as I went to help him ignoring his protests and smirked when the Buggy Pirates ran and dodged when their cannon fired. We found a place to hide in town and I was checking on Zoro's wound after we set Luffy down. "It's going to take a few days to heal please don't be reckless anymore Zoro. I don't want anything to happen to my nakama."

Nami sighed as she took out a key and watched Luffy poking a dog in the eye and she had set the key on the ground and gasped when the dog ate the key. "Great." Looking over and she saw that Zoro was tended too by Luna. "So where's the rest of your crew?"

Luna smiled softly. "We only left a couple weeks ago from our island so we're only starting to build our crew and it's currently Luffy, me, Zoro and you?" Tilting her head a little but made herself look cute and Nami gulped. "I-I won't join but we can work together; I help you get the map and I'll get the treasure."

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