Chapter 57

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci was inside with Nico Robin questioning her he was hurt that Luna had blocked him mentally and he was pissed his mate would protect Robin even from the government and himself. He froze when he heard an explosion and cursed softly. "What the hell does that fool think he's doing?"

Kaku shrugged and slipped through a window going to check before coming back pale. "Jabra's fighting against Luna!" He took off as they left Robin tied up in the room to watch the fight.

Lucci was shocked that Jabra was struggling against his mate and he smirked a little. He could see that Luna wasn't backing off and was becoming exhausted.

Blueno spoke as he stood besides Lucci and Kaku. "She knows she's getting exhausted and yet she's pushing herself beyond her limits. Does she truly think that she can take us all on?"

"No she doesn't; she was hoping for a quick fight. She understand that Jabra is strong and she's not willing to back off easily either." Lucci froze seeing Luna get sent flying and he felt her pain as she coughed up blood and saw her struggle to get up. "Jabra that's enough! I got my mate from here." Lucci moved over grabbing her blade and re-sheathed it for her. "Go move the prisoner this location is now known." Lucci picked up Luna she was decent weight for her size and age. He saw that she passed out and sighed softly taking her to get tended too by her friends.

Lucci found Sanji's scent and moved to where the male was and landed. "Your my mate's crew mate correct?"

Sanji spun on alert before he paled seeing Luna unconscious and tensed. "What did you do to her?" He came over gently taking Luna from Lucci and worried about her like a brother would.

"She fought against one of my comrades and pushed herself with her haki's at the same time." Lucci gently brushed the hair out of Luna's face seeing her resting soothed him. "She just needs to rest; please keep her safe."

Sanji glared at Lucci. "I know I will and so will the rest of her nakama; it's you I'm not so sure about. None of you's have ever cared about loved ones and have been known to kill your own blood and lovers." Sanji started taking Luna to the ship after Lucci growled leaving.

Sanji's P.O.V
Sanji carried Luna carefully he thought of her as a sister that he would protect. He admired how protective and loving to the crew she was; and that she was willing to give Lucci a chance. Sanji walked across the beach seeing the crew together talking and spoke up. "Chopper follow me."

Sanji walked to Luna's room and gently laid her down and let Chopper tend to any of her wounds and when he was done he walked out to the deck where the others waited and he saw Luffy worried. "She'll be alright."

"What happened to her Sanji? Who did that to Luna?!" Luffy was upset that Luna had come back hurt the last time she had passed out was when she had been training and had pushed her body so hard that she ended up in a come for three weeks till she was better.

"Apparently she got into a fight with one of her mates team mates. Luna wouldn't have attacked without reason;
I think they have Robin with them. Luna said their apart of Cipher Pole only this group us assassins." Sanji had lit a smoke. "What else were you's talking about?"

"We have to get a new ship built; the Going Merry is badly damaged that it can't go another mile." Luffy had spoke seriously and he looked to the crew before Usopp blew up and it ended with Usopp challenging Luffy to a fight over the ship.

Sanji heard footsteps and he looked to the door to see Luna and saw the confusion on her face and sighed softly walking over. "Come on." He brought her over to have something to eat and drink and he filled Luna in on what had happened after they had saved Usopp and got told the fate of the Going Merry.

Luna's P.O.V
I was shocked at what had happened as I took my time to have something to eat and drink and I wondered what the hell was going on. I sighed closing my eyes trying to figure it out and felt Sanji sit and give me a hug. "What the hell is going on? We knew that there was always a chance that Going Merry could be destroyed and we would have to get a new ship." I said and felt Sanji rub my back before I thought about earlier when Jabra said something about the mayor and gasped. "I know where CP9 is going! They got Franky and Robin and I bet their going to assassinate the mayor; there's some sort of plans their after and they knew Franky wouldn't talk and they figure killing the mayor might make Franky talk."

"Then we have no time; after the fight we'll have to split up. I can go after Robin and Franky; the rest of the crew is going to have to save the mayor and stop your mate." Sanji looked to me seriously.

I bit my lip and nodded my head seriously. "Then let's go fill in the crew; I'm not going to loose anyone else...and we don't need to be framed by those assholes." I put my dishes away and went to the captains cabin and entered shocking the crew. "CP9 is going to assassinate the mayor no doubt framing us; they have Robin and Franky and will take them to Enies Lobby."

Nami was shocked. "How do you know that their going to do that Luna? They work with the marines."

"No Nami; they won't take them Impel Down like other pirates. Once they pass the final gate of Enies Lobby that's it. Many people who pass those gates never see Impel Down; their killed quietly without any commotion into the world. Why would the government want the death's of two people who can undo the governments work; why would they want their executions to be known to the world. Franky and Iceburg know the plans about some weapon that could empower or destroy the government; and Robin those Plygypths a dead language that would explain what happened 900 years ago."

Luffy listened and he looked to the others seriously. "Once the fight with Usopp is done then let's go save them; Luna's right there isn't any good explanation for Franky and Robin having to die. We'll go after them together."

"Luna and Luffy are right; we can't let them die and we sure as the hell don't need to be framed for anything. We've trusted in Luna and Luffy this far; don't start doubting them now. And don't stumble you two you both run this crew and we have respect for you both." Zoro spoke seriously as he looked to us and I was surprised.

"Whoa; look Luffy's the captain this crew was his idea I supported him from day one yes but I came on as the spy and mercenary for this crew nothing more and nothing less Zoro." I tried to explain and heard chuckles.

Nami smiled softly. "Your right Luna that's what you came on as but your more to this crew then you think; you act like a mother and sister to all of us. You know what to say and do wether things go right or wrong for us; you support all of us in our dreams and you trusted all of us with your past, present and future. When you were ready you told us about your mate and who he is; and now instead of siding with him your going against him to protect your nakama and innocent people."

I was surprised and thought about what she said and I smiled softly knowing she was right. "Why would I turn my back on anyone here; your my family of course I love Lucci but...there are some things that come before my own wants and needs. And my crew is that main thing."

Rob Lucci x OC (Book 1 Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz