Chapter 72

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had just finished talking with Sengoku needed too when they heard that the Straw Hats stopped the pirate Caribou and his brother and crew. Lucci chuckled softly. "Straw Hats didn't waste anytime announcing their return to the sea's; or that their in the new world."

Sengoku looked up to speak. "No I wouldn't expect anything less from that crew; Garp's grandson is their captain and the last survivor from assassin island are both D's of course they'll push their crew. The only crew on the sea's where they all have bounties and many are very high."

"That's true; tell me do you know anything about what the D means?" Lucci was standing as he looked to Sengoku.

Sengoku sighed and looked up when Garp walked in. He saw the look on his face. "Yes I do; many older members here know what it means."

Garp sighed sitting down. "As you know though; much of the information from long ago was destroyed when the World Government was formed. All D's change things differently through out their time in this world and for many of them it's changed for the good of things. Luffy and Luna I helped to train when they were young; I wanted them to both become marines...they always spoke back saying they would be pirates. I wanted all the children safe including Ace...around ten or so years ago at Terminal Grey a fire had destroyed places and Luffy, Luna and Ace were all there and they thought they had lost a friend and another they call brother."

"But they didn't...we think the reason why he didn't reach out to them after the incident is because he might have had memory damage making him forget either everything or only some things." Lucci spoke seriously remembering when he told Luna about Sabo. "Luna knows he's alive; she wants to see him but...she doesn't want to leave Luffy or her crew alone."

Sengoku listened and hummed as he sat in his seat. "'May I ask how you personally know her aside from Enies Lobby."

"Luna D Evermore is my mate; I marked her the night her island was destroyed she knows that I was there and I was only recently able to see her two years ago in person the first time when Arlong was brought down. I finished the bond at Alabasta but she helped to defeat me at Enies Lobby. She still talks to me and we both feel and hear what the other can when we want now...I know she was alive when they disappeared at Sabaody Archipelago two years ago." Lucci took out his mates vivre card. "She made sure I could always find her; but I don't go to her unless she needs me for something very serious."

Sengoku was surprised. "Were you the one who put Alive only on her bounty?" He didn't think that one of the members of CP would have a mate especially the leader of the now CP0.

"I had to she's my mate and if anything or anyone wants to kill her their going through myself, my team, friends and her friends first. Her crew is well aware I'm her mate which they don't mind seeing as I didn't hurt her seriously." Lucci leaned got up as he went to look outside watching new marines training. "She was with a yonko these past two years training with her haki; she has conquerers haki and going to that yonko was a good choice on Kuma's part. She can't hurt people now by accident since when she's riled or tense her haki feels like waves coming off of her."

Garp and Sengoku only knew one Yonko that could be like that and they looked to Lucci before Garp spoke. "She was with Shanks...heh bet she'll have stories to tell Luffy. They both admire Shanks and Gol D Roger in a way. Kuma sent them...must have been one of his last wishes before he became a machine. At least with Shanks he wouldn't have held back with her training either; it wouldn't have just been haki it would have been in her swordsman skill and the crew no doubt would have helped as well."

Lucci chuckled. "Oh yes many days I could hear her grumbling about them; she was sore lots but she didn't mind. Luna was grateful she became stronger for the sake of her captain."

Sengoku chuckled softly. "A person will shove their pride to the side usually for the sake of another. Did you Lucci? That Mihawk and Shanks used to always fight each other in swords. I bet that their other swordsman went to Mihawk...they weren't just training a new generation they were training potential future rivals."

Lucci chuckled. "She also got to train with Mihawk whenever he would visit; apparently Mihawk was keeping an eye on their skill and growth the past couple years. It makes me wonder...if Mihawk and Shanks see Zoro and Luna as a little more then potential rivals."

"Your wondering if they see themselves when they were younger; Shanks was someone that people called a demon when Gol D Roger died; I recall Mihawk saying that he swore that Shanks looked and felt like he could take on the world and win. It's funny Shanks and Mihawk started talking at a bar not long after at a bar; Shanks and him fought lots and I guess when they look at Luna and Zoro they see themselves all over again. Luna because of her haki is exactly like Shanks; and Zoro is a strong swordsman like Mihawk so why not train those two. Sure their getting stronger and their taking on stronger opponents all the time." Garp smiled thinking and heard Lucci hiss and looked over. "What's wrong?"

Lucci rubbed his left shoulder some and concentrated smiling. "Their having a sword fight right now. I have to go check on my crew; oh and Garp she says hello." Lucci walked out hearing Garp laughing and Sengoku was shaking his head.

Lucci walked to where he crew was and listened outside the door some of his old members would sneak in once in awhile since they wanted to know how Luna was. He smiled when Kaku and Jabra were talking and he walked in.

"Their already making waves on the sea's; or shall I say underneath. They went to Fishman kingdom and stopped Caribou and his crew with her friends." Lucci took his seat hearing laughter.

Jabra snickered. "She's your mate; so how much stronger has she gotten? Where the hell was she? And the rest of them?"

"She was with a yonko who could train her and she won't say where the rest were. All she would tell me that they had friends on the sea's that helped them on their journey." Lucci smirked. "She's gotten stronger they all have; and their getting stronger with every fight; and are in the New World now as well."

Jabra cheered and took some money he won from a grumbling Kaku causing snickers from much of the group. "Hah I knew they would be in the New World."

Lucci chuckled. "Jabra; did you get the new bingo book that Luna was asking for?"

"Yeah; she's been on top of her bingo books lately. I heard she's also a supernova is that true?" Jabra moved to lean against a wall by a window.

"Yeah; she's got a pretty high bounty as well. People were fools thinking that their crew was dead two years ago. But now we only have go wait till we see what their next move is." Lucci spoke and frowned when the former leader of CP9 joined them he knew about Luna as well.

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