Chapter 40

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Luna's P.O.V
I was pissed off when Chopper had gotten hurt and I fought with Mr.2 as I grabbed his arm and flipped him and jerked enough to hear a sickening snap in his left shoulder my eyes were cold and void of emotion. "You shouldn't have harmed my friend. Your left shoulder is dislocated along with your arm being broken in three different places. Your have four fractured ribs another hit and they'll pierce your lungs if your unlucky."

Chopper was scared he never knew that Luna could be like this and he got up as Luffy and Zoro ran over. "Something's wrong with Luna? She became more violent when I got hurt."

Luffy became worried. "She's snapped; when Luna see's someone she cares for hurt or someone innocent she tends to slip into this mode that triggers her mercenary side and she becomes more sadistic. She's like a cat with a mouse; she'll play with her opponents and will slowly hurt them till she satisfied."

Luffy saw Luna's opponent had passed out and he hurried in catching her and brought het into a hug as she struggled. "Enough Luna; you won your fight and Chopper is alright. Leave Mr.2 where he is captain's orders Luna. Calm down your safe we all are." He felt her slowly calming down and start shaking. "I got you." He carried her as soon as the adrenaline wore off she passed out in his arms and he worried.

Zoro frowned seeing Luna had passed out. "Does she always pass out?"

"No; it's just...the last time she was like this was the year we lost Sabo. After that she never snapped and did her best to stay in control. I think she just burnt to much or her strength and energy in this fight." Luffy was worried as they kept moving and had found the rest.

Chopper took a look at Luna once they found a safe place and he placed a cool rag on her forehead. "She'll be alright just let her rest for now she should soon wake up."

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had felt Luna snap and when he couldn't feel her emotions during her fight that scared him at just how dark she could go. He didn't want her to ever be like that again but knew it would happen and he had to help her somehow.

He was a ship that was headed towards Alabasta where they were to escort some merchandise and as he was standing on deck watching the lower rank marines run around he heard his snail ring and walked inside the captains cabin that was currently his room for this trip.

He spoke as he answered the snail hoping that Jabra had seen what happened. "Go ahead Jabra."

"You wanted a report on your woman; I got a first seat show to what your mate can do. One of their own had gotten hurt the agent known as Mr.2 was fighting her and ultimately lost with broken ribs, broken arm in two places, dislocated shoulder with a broken collar bone. She didn't show an ounce of mercy in this fight; her captain managed to calm her but she fainted. I managed to catch why she fainted apparently this happened only one other time when she was a child and there had been danger. For now their hear in Alabasta and have all found a safe place. They have princess Vivi with them as well their all safe tonight."

Lucci listened and frowned hearing what happened. He knew that Luna was capable of carrying her title as mercenary in the crew and this latest even proved that; but it also worried him that this could get worse especially when she shuts her emotions off. "Good job; keep watching them I should be there within a day or two."

"Alright I'll keep an eye on things here; the merchandise is also ready for you when you get here that's being guarded as well." Jabra was watching from a distance but he knew how to hide his presence so no felt him or saw him unless he wanted to be found.

Lucci smirked a little. "Alright; make sure those marines with you don't mess up we don't need to collide with Crocodile or his minions along with the Straw Hats their going to be in for the fight of their lives."

Jabra chuckled and saw much of the Straw Hats were asleep and one was awake guarding. "All but one is asleep so it's safe to say their take guard duty shifts. Don't worry Lucci; you mate is safe. All I can say is that I wouldn't want to piss her off."

Lucci chuckled softly. "I'm hoping to see her apart from her crew for a bit. She's also able to shut off her emotions from more then just her training...she's gotten to the point she can shut them off by learning it off of me when I shut my off in missions. She doesn't even know she's doing it; she's taking both of our trainings and putting it to use."

Jabra chuckled. "Ooh she's scary; so by marking her you should be able to stop her from loosing herself to the darkness in herself. You'll become that darkness and she'll be the light."

"Yeah; but I never want her to loose that light and good in her; she's so pure in this world and has already been hurt by not just the government but by myself as well. I'll be damned if I loose her or let her loose herself."

Jabra smirked a little he was happy Lucci found what he needed and he knew the entire group craved what Lucci had. They would be damned if they let anything happen to Luna they all agreed that she may be a pirate but now she was their family and they would protect the most precious treasure of Lucci's. "She'll be safe till your here Lucci."

"And I thank you for that; I'm grateful you and the rest have taken to making sure she's safe when I can't be there for her like I should be." Lucci was sitting in the seat behind the desk.

"To be truthful; we're jealous you found someone to love and be with. You've changed for the better and we like this side of you...and so Luna is apart of our little family as well and we decided that we'll protect your mate with our lives as well. She's already making a change on these sea's and she's just a new pirate. She's bringing a storm with her and she's going to touch many lives in both the pirate and World Government worlds." Jabra could see this young female would live up to the name of D and become something fierce in this world.

Lucci chuckled as he listened and he looked up when a marine knocked and entered and he read the update. "I'll be there in a couple hours I'll see you then; and thank you Jabra for doing this for me I owe you one."

"Hell yeah you do; I'll see you when you get here. For now I need to get your mate awake looks like the rebels in this country are closing in on them." Jabra hung up with Lucci and he threw a rock hard and it hit the wall causing Luna to jump awake and on alert as she looked out seeing the rebels and started waking her friends.

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