Chapter 87

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Luna's P.O.V
I checked our surroundings as we had hidden the ship and took a quiet pathway towards the palace using a dirt road and I cursed hiding the crew and ducked seeing a carriage as I could see inside as they got closer and tried to keep Luffy from revealing himself but silently cursed as he jumped out and yelled to Sanji once the carriages were past us.

I shook my head seeing that they stopped and my hand flew to my blade as I watched Sanji get out and my eyes narrowed seeing two gold cuffs on his hand and tensed. "Those cuffs; I heard about them they will explode or electrocute a person if they try to take them off without the key." I whispered to the others and kept an eye on Sanji before I moved blocking one of his brothers from touching Luffy. "Did you just try to touch my captain?" Not bugging easily and smirked as this green haired brother tried to make me move and I ducked going to my hands and used my haki as I kicked him in the stomach and sent him crashing into the carriage and flipped back to my feet re-sheathing my blade.

Luffy was glaring at Sanji from behind me but on my right hand side. "What do you think your doing Sanji?! We're your nakama!"

"Your no nakama of mine; get out of here Luffy be glad that your life is being spared." Sanji spoke darkly his head was down to hide his eyes.

I kept an eye on the brothers and saw a female with them figuring she was Sanji's sister and I spoke to Sanji so only he heard me. "You forgot a rule on any pirate crew Sanji; you left the crew without permission; you gave no good excuse to your captain. When you did that your forgot a crew has all rights to hunt down that member; you will either be forgiven or get one hell of a beating we have a very pissed off navigator who would like a few words with you."

Sanji gulped as he looked to me seeing the dark look he had gotten from me and that my hand was resting on my blade as he was speaking to me and he stopped his brothers from coming closer. "Don't...she won't let you come any closer she'll aim to kill."

"Heh...I like my women with a fiery attitude." The green haired male spoke while holding his stomach. "That actually hurt where did you learn that little lady."

I motioned for Sanji to go talk to Luffy but I knew it would be a fight and I smirked keeping his siblings out of this fight. "Sorry my captain had no time for trash like you; let them talk. And as for your question...well I could tell you..." I smiled innocently as looked to them slyly. "Well then I'll silence you." I heard the fight behind me starting and I moved blocking the green haired male from interfering. "Strike two." Punching him away and smirked hearing a sickening crunch and I dodged the sister and used my haki on all of them as I went serious. "Your wasting my time." Flaring out my haki like Shanks and knocked them all away.

Sanji had beaten Luffy and paled seeing what I was capable of as I sent his siblings flying with only my haki and I stood walking towards Sanji with a lethal stride. "L-Luna?"

"This is only a fraction of what I can do Sanji; I take my position seriously and when the time to fight them comes then wether they live or die is completely up to them. Just know I will hunt and I will draw blood; and I will track you down and drag your ass back to the ship." Walking past him and helped Luffy up and when Sanji went to talk I looked up just in time to see Nami hit Sanji hard and smirked proud of her.

"Why can't you count on us to help you?! What was it you said when you saved me! Robin! When you were there when Luna was learning about her mate and when she met him! You have always been there for all of us for everything don't even bother us!" Nami has tears in her eyes as Robin hugged her close as we all watched Sanji leave with his family and she grabbed my hand and hugged me as well.

I hugged back gently as I watched and smirked seeing that the green haired male had a broken nose and was holding his ribs as he got in the carriage before they left. "Luffy? Permission to hunt?"

Luffy was ticked and he looked to me nodding his head. "As soon as it's safe enough; go hunting then Luna. Be safe that's an order." Tilting his hat down as he spoke seriously.

I nodded my head. "Yes captain." I looked to the skies and sighed. "Nami is there a system moving in?"

"Y-yeah; we need to find some shelter or push forward. Luna? What are you going to do?" Nami looked worried she had never heard of Luffy giving Luna the order to hunt.

I sighed softly. "I'm going to track Sanji and I'm going to find any weaknesses that I can. I know there is one very strong haki user here with visual haki like myself if I move solo for a bit I can learn this place and hopefully find the key to those damned cuffs and find a way to save Sanji. But first I'm going to make sure everyone here is safe and sound." I smiled softly and I looked to Luffy sighing as he stayed besides the fallen tree as the rains came and I cursed softly as I looked to Zoro and Nami. "Zoro, Nami get everyone to safety and resting. I doubt Luffy will join you's tonight; stay alert and stay together. Always be alert alright Zoro? You have visual haki as well so I need you to step up Alright? Your our first mate and I need you to keep everyone at the ready while myself and Luffy are gone we believe in everyone. We have all come this far together; and I'm proud of how much everyone has matured and gotten stronger and wiser. Work together and watch out for one another try to stay in one another's sights the best you can."

Zoro nodded his head seriously. "Be careful Luna; Luffy...we'll be alright just make sure you both come back to us."

Luffy nodded his head. "We will Zoro; get Going you guys." He watched as the crew left and gave me a quick hug. "I can't loose anyone else Luna; no more of my siblings of mine can die."

I smiled softly as I hugged him as well before gently placing my forehead to his. "Of course I'll be back; it's my job as your sister, and Sabo's sister to keep you both safe and alive no matter what. I'll come back I promise." I soon took off and travelled through the forest alert and stuck to the shadows my dark clothes made travelling easy and my footsteps was quiet even when I moved from the ground into the tree's and kept alert for the haki user here.

Rob Lucci x OC (Book 1 Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora