Chapter 61

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Luna's P.O.V
I wasn't surprised when I saw that the marines were attacking here while we were all fighting. I dodged another one of Lucci's attacks and used my haki as I kicked him towards Luffy who hit him and sent him flying onto a marine ship scaring the soldiers till they noticed who it was.

I was panting as I watched for Lucci's next move and coughed as I coughed up some blood from the stress on my body and the need to rest but I couldn't stop until we won this fight.

"Luna take a break I'll finish this fight; I know your exhausted your hurting badly and exhausted." Luffy spoke as he protected his big sister.

I panted looking to him and cursed softly as the crew and Luffy always protected me making me feel like a burden. I groaned softly in pain as I weakly stood up glaring towards Lucci as I stood by Luffy. "We'll finish this fight together; and then we'll take to the sea's together with our friends."

"Yeah let's finish this Luna." Luffy jumped attacking Lucci who went to his full animal and bit Luffy who yelled in pain. Luffy hit Lucci towards the building and I jumped as I flipped in the air kicking Lucci and had haki on my leg as Lucci crashed into the floor unconscious.

I panted landing and was exhausted. I pecked Lucci's cheek before the dust lifted and gave him my vivre card and a small note before I went to Luffy and kneeled by him smiling softly. "We did it Luffy; it's time to get out of here what do you say Luffy?"

Luffy grinned and I moved as he yelled. "Everyone let's leave together!! To the Going Merry!!"

I smiled when Robin got Luffy to our ship that had been brought somehow and we all jumped onto her deck I smirked when the marines said that Lucci was defeated and I felt myself get caught and smiled seeing hands. "Thank you Robin. Let's get back to Water 7."

"Yeah let's go back together. Thank you everyone for saving me." Robin had tears in her eyes and Nami and I smiled and giggled as we tackled Robin in a hug.

I smiled sitting back. "Robin we are family on this ship; we'll always protect one another. Because of one special captain; he fought for us when everyone else said it was impossible." I looked to Luffy seeing him resting as Chopper was coming around tending to our wounds.

Robin smiled and then she looked to me. "I have to admit you and Nami I love the style clothes your both wearing; I'm surprised Sanji didn't have one of his episodes."

Nami laughed. "He did when he saw us; how he has so much blood I will never understand."

"Luna? Are you alright? Wouldn't you be feeling the physical pain from your mate?" Robin asked when I had moved to sit on the floor.

"Don't get me wrong I'm feeling all the pain he's in right now; I'm barely awake Robin. On top of feeling all his wounds I'm wounded badly as well and lost some blood when the glass had been dug into my leg earlier; I also over did it with my haki." Smiling softly and looked when Chopper got to me last and as he started working I passed out as Robin used her powers to catch me and let me rest on the deck.

Robin smiled softly seeing many of us resting after the fighting and looked to Franky. "Thank you for earlier Franky."

"Nah it's alright; just seeing them pushing themselves to get to you. Ignoring their wounds and protecting strangers made me want to help out as well. To see Luffy and Luna fighting Lucci without fear and not holding back; I wonder what makes them want to push themselves and not be like other pirates." Franky was steering the ship back carefully as the crew as sleeping and he chuckled seeing some laying on others are sleeping like star fish but all were within a close range of each other.

Robin smiled softly as she looked out to the crew and noticed that Luffy and Luna were touching hands. "Since I've met this crew; they keep surprising me. They didn't know anything about the kingdom they saved or it's people but they befriended the princess and family. They were all just a brand new crew barely any experience and yet they came at us fighting with everything they were worth. And from then to now they have gotten stronger, matured and they brought me into their crew even though we fought in Alabasta. Luna's hurting from more then her pain she doesn't like that her nakama got hurt and so did her her and her captain."

"Wait mate? Who is..." Franky thought back to when Lucci had been nuzzling Luna. "It's Lucci isn't it? How was she able to hurt him without feeling pain?"

"That's the thing...she does feel all his pain and knowing het she'll probably sleep till their both healed enough to wake up." Robin moved the crew with her powers onto land and saw Iceburg and the people come running tending to them and as Robin was the last to get off she heard a giant crack and turned to look seeing the front of Going Merry break away from the rest of the ship.

I had woke up with a few of the others hearing the crack and my heart broke and I looked over toward Usopp who was still wearing his costume and could easily tell he was crying. I winced moving as I stood and felt someone help me and smiled softly to see Luffy awake and supporting me. "Thank you Going Merry."

"Let me build you's a new ship; a beast among all ships fit for the future king of pirates." Franky spoke up seriously as he looked to Luffy.

Luffy smiled softly and nodded his head. "That would be great thank you Franky; when it's ready we will have more thing to do. You understand don't you Luna?"

I nodded my head and saw the crew understood as well. "Yeah; we will part ways with Going Merry."

Iceburg looked to Franky seriously. "Dock one is open you can take lead in the construction of their new ship; it's your design so your lead. Take those that you want and the rest of us will remove their things from Going Merry and do whatever else they need done."

"Thank you Iceburg; I promise this ship will be done quickly." He saw that one was crying hard and Luna had done to hug that member. "Luna how precious is Going Merry to you's?"

"Very precious; you see she's our first true ship we had ever had. She became apart of our crew the same day Usopp did for she came from his island given to us by his life long friend. We've cherished her and have harmed her but have always done our best to take care of her. She watched us build the rest of this crew till now, been to Skypiea, Alabasta, seen all sorts of weather and creatures. Seen promises be made and dreams being shared between each other. She will vanish from this world when the other ship is ready...for the sea floor is dark so we will light her way and set her spirit free." I smiled softly and hugged Usopp hearing the choked sobs that came from him. "She is and will always be apart of us forever."

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