Chapter 96

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Luna's P.O.V
As soon as I told the three captains what was happening it didn't take them long to get us all moving again this time we were headed to our ships.

I was impressed seeing that some of us could work with the other crews and we had a rhythm even though we weren't crew mates all we knew was our captains were ready to fight together and I smiled thinking back to Sabaody Archipelago.

Kidd frowned as he saw me smiling. "What's got you smiling? This isn't something to be happy about girl."

"One I'm a woman not a girl and two I'm thinking back to Sabaody Archipelago when you three captains fought the marines together side by side." I looked to the captains and smiled. "Hell all of us in your crews also worked together to free those captured and dealt with other marines trying to escape."

Luffy tilted his head and smiled softly thinking about that day. "Two of our three crews managed to escape; but our crew was scattered. After Ace's death I spoke and trained with Rayleigh and I decided to wait two years and train and you all caught on to what I wanted."

"Of course we did; after all we told you that we would do everything in our power to make you pirate king." Zoro spoke as we got to our ships and we all got onto them and started heading to see.

Nami looked to her vivre card from the leader of the samurai and she steered our ship. "Stay close to us! I can make sure we get to the samurai quickly!" She yelled to Kidd and Law's crews and they nodded their heads staying right close to us.

I cursed as it started raining and it made the sea's much more rougher. I looked to Luffy and walked into the captains cabin as I grabbed a black cloak and cane out draping it on Luffy's shoulders so the water wouldn't bother him so much.

Luffy was surprised seeing the jacket and looked to me smiling. "Thanks Luna; where did you get this?"

"Mmm I bought it while travelling with Shanks actually; I was going to give it to you as a present but this is the perfect time to give it to you. The jacket will keep you basically dry while you fight after all it's a cloak." I looked over seeing Kidd and Law also had a black cloak and it dawned on me the jacket was feathers like Doflamingo's only black and it made me wonder if it meant something to him.

Usopp was in the crows nest using his looking glass as he searched the sea's for the sight of our enemies or the samurai. Usopp kept looking after about twenty minutes he yelled out. "Dead ahead! The pirates are attacking the samurai!"

Nami looked to Franky who moved the Thousand Sunny just right as the wind caught and made the ship move faster. We may have had a beast of ships but she was fast on the sea's and this was proof.

Luffy attacked the low rank pirates with his gum gum whip and he stood strong and it had the crew on edge we were waiting for our orders from him. "On the sea's you don't fight like you do on the land; out here we rule these sea's! Luna! Zoro!"

Zoro smirked looking over to me and we took a running jump and drew our blades swinging them and destroyed two of their ships with ease before we landed back on the front deck of the Thousand Sunny.

Law, Kidd and Luffy finished off the rest of the pirates with ease and we got the samurai onto Law's submarine before we proceeded to Wano.

Law and Kidd came onto our deck with Killer following Kidd and I walked over to listen to the plan when I noticed that Killer was shaking and I saw Kidd place his normal hand on his friends shoulder to calm him.

I covered Luffy's mouth before he asked about Killer and shook my head that it wasn't a good time to ask about what was going on before Law started talking again making plans with everyone.

Law looked to me and spoke over to me. "Luna can you see what you can find out about the terrain on Wano and maybe the numbers there."

"Why the hell would you ask her? She wouldn't have...!" Kidd growled when he was interrupted by Killer who spoke to him quietly so none of us heard him.

I nodded my head and grabbed my snail and called Garp it had been awhile since I spoke to him the last time we spoke was a little after Ace's death and it ended up with me yelling at him.

"This is Garp speaking who is this?" He sounded ticked and stressed.

"Hey Garp it's Luna...I need a favour; I need a lay out of Wano is that possible?" I spoke and heard him sigh but chuckle.

"I'm not even going to ask; your being pains in our asses again. Typical children can't give an old man a moment to breathe before causing more trouble." I started laughing and so did Luffy as Garp was scolding us.

I soon had an image of a map of Wano and I got it copied so we had a hard copy and we started looking at the map and I smiled. "Thank you gramps."

"Yeah yeah...just don't get to over your heads you brats." Garp grumbled but I knew he was worried and I smiled softly.

"We're not alone; talk to you later." I hung up as he did and saw the others looking to the map and soon enough I joined them and frowned. "Think we can have one crew hit from the back way."

Law looked up and smirked. "That's not a bad idea Luna; I can take my crew and the samurai the back way and we can attack from there; Kidd and Strawhats you'll attack from the front don't forget Apoo is there along with Kaido and all his men." Law spoke seriously.

"You have to also be alert with Apoo he ate the sound sound fruit so he can use any part of his body as an instrument and use the noise to disable or even kill by using the sound." Kidd spoke up finally. "So long as you cover your ears you'll be alright."

"Or if someone uses sea prism on him or use haki of which there is more then one person who could easily fight him." Zoro spoke as he came and stood by Luffy and looked to me as I agreed.

I nodded my head as I thought and looked towards the center where the palace was. "I'm going to naturally assume that Kaido is in the palace which means we have only one shot at this. And we also have a few of the Big Mama pirates plus her hunting us as well she apparently didn't take us kicking their asses to nicely."

Luffy frowned. "Then everyone needs to be at the top of their game; Luna do you know where they are or were last time you heard anything about them."

I shook my head. "Sadly no; but I'll keep checking on with my contacts someone is bound to tell me something sooner or later."

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