Chapter 64

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Luna's P.O.V
I was resting quietly in the morning when the sun came up and sighed hearing a commotion and smiled as I got up and got dressed I could hear yelling and sighed walking out. "What's all the yelling about people?"

Nami looked over and smiled apologetically. "Luffy is trying to get into the kitchen and Sanji keeps chasing him out yelling at him. Did they wake you up?"

"It's alright; I had to get up eventually. Where are we?" Looking at the calm sea as I leaned against the rail besides Nami.

"We're actually coming up to Sabaody Archipalego but while you were asleep we made a couple friends that want to see the place as well." Motioning for me to follow and I walked with her to the kitchen.

I followed and walked in seeing a Star Fish, mermaid and a familiar face and smiled. "Oh well now you I do remember; we ran into you when you were with Arlong how are the wounds?"

The fishman got shy. "Th-they healed alright...a couple scars miss."

"Please call me Luna; welcome to our ship." Sighing and looked to Luffy and walked over punching him on the head causing a lump as he groaned crying in pain. "Well then bottomless pit you better listen to Sanji and wait till the food is made for everyone. Go do something till breakfast is ready."

"B-but Luna...wait I got it will you teach me how to use haki?" Luffy smiled but had those puppy eyes and I groaned looking up.

"Fine fine go out onto the deck I'll be there is a second bro." Smiling when Luffy ran out and I looked to the mermaid smiling. "Sorry you had to see that; my name is Luna D. Evermore; what brings you to our ship?"

"I-I'm Cami; your captain said that I could go with you's to Archipelago I wanted to see what it looked like..." Cami was nervous she had seen how confident Nami and Robin are but Luna was more intimidating to her.

"If my captain allowed you on the ship then your more then welcome. Make yourself at home Cami." I walked out and looked for the others and jumped down onto the deck landing quietly and walked over to Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Zoro. "Listen we got a problem on that island we're going too." Freezing when an explosion sounded and moved cursing. "We got marines!! Everyone to stations!"

Sanji ran out with Cami and her friends and moved outside looking worried as Sanji went to keep cannonballs away. "Luna who's the captain of this group?!"

"I have no fucking idea! It's a new ship but let's sink those fuckers!" I smirked as this would bring up our bounties but give me a chance to stretch my muscle.

Luffy grinned. "Might as well Luna wants to fight; can't have them sinking us either."

We got into position and once the marines were close enough we started fighting them and I smirked seeing who the captain was. "Luffy! Captains mine! Pay back!" Recognizing him as one of the people who destroyed my island.

"Be careful Luna!" Luffy kept the marines off of my back as I fought with the captain I sent him flying hard and left a cut across his chest.

I happily fought the captain as the others dealt with the crew and I knocked the man out after we were all fighting for an hour and panted heavily. "Asshole."

I panted as we got rid of the marines and heard a seagull and frowned when I took the envelope and opened it shocked. "They put higher bounties out for us. Luffy yours is now $300,000,000!"

"What?! Why?!" Luffy grabbed his as did all of the rest all of us confused why they changed it last second.

"Why change them when they just put of the bounties?" Nami was confused and came to look at mine.

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