Chapter 44

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Luna's P.O.V
I looked over when a dark haired woman wearing purple clothes and cowboy hat showed herself and my hand touched my battle staff. "Who are you?" I was standing besides my friends as we were ready to fight to get ourselves free.

"Hm; why should I tell you? You came here to cause a problem I'm only doing as my boss wants me to do." The woman attacked us and I swung my staff and touched her smirking when I saw her recoil her attack from us. "Oops; don't think I'll play nice either. Guys go on ahead this one is mine to fight."

"But Luna!" Nami looked worried till she saw me motion them to leave and she gulped. "Alright; you better catch up soon!" She left with the group hurrying to fight those they had too and to hopefully go help Luffy.

I smiled softly spinning my staff and made sure to add a little bit of my armour haki to it. "I will Nami just kick ass and protect out captain!" I kept my sight trained on Robin we were at a stand still she was now wary of my staff. "So tell me who are you? No fucking around either."

Robin smirked a little. "Nico Robin; someone who works closely with Crocodile. Who knew that the lone survivor or Assassin Island was with the newbie crew Straw Hats. People were certain that all of your people were destroyed." She wanted to taunt me and I had to keep my calm.

I spun my staff and stocked to her right where the shadows were. "Oh I had a guardian angel watching over me that day; and I'm my people's long as I'm around their dreams will never fade. Every time blood is drawn by me it will be my people's blood; too fight me...well that's sealing your fate."

Robin attacked and I moved quickly as we collided and kept reflecting one another I would make sure to hit her hard with my staff and I could see the sea prism was doing it's job of draining her slowly of her strength. "My people were more then just good at being assassin's we also made our own weapons. We too worked in forges and this was made for me by a friend years ago. It was hidden on another island for safe keeping and now it's in my possession; I'm sure you can guess what's worked into my staff."

Robin panted glaring at me. "Sea prism; you would carry that with the devil fruit users in your crew? Even I would be weary of someone like you; your dangerous with that sea prism."

I tensed and clutched my staff tighter. "I'm not a monster I would never harm my crew; you know nothing about me?!" I attacked her and gasped when she sent me flying hard into a wall my right shoulder hitting first and sickening crunch was heard in my right arm and shoulder and I winced as I got up weakly and was shocked to see Robin gone.

I looked around before cursing and winced kneeling as I put my staff away and held my right shoulder my arm wasn't broken but I knew my shoulder was dislocated and a chance that my collar bone was fractured or broken and that would never fully heal if it was.

I tensed when I heard two thumps and before I touched my weapon I felt a calming presence and looked up when Lucci had kneeled and I cried in pain when he put pressure on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Luna; your shoulder needs to be put back into place before we can do anything else." Lucci looked to Jabra. "Hold her Jabra."

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had felt his heart skip a beat when he saw Luna go flying into a wall and the crunching sound he heard. He watched when Robin had turned seeing himself and Jabra and she ran no doubt hoping Crocodile would protect her.

Lucci gently put pressure on Luna's shoulder he knew this would hurt her hard but if her shoulder wasn't put back into place and she started healing that her use of the arm and shoulder would be greatly reduced with a chance of her hurting her nerves or anything.

Lucci felt his heart clench when he heard Luna scream in pain and he saw it was all Jabra could do to hold her still without hurting her and once he had her shoulder back in place he grabbed the scarf that had kept the sun off her hit and he bound her shoulder for her. "You got to let that shoulder heal Luna."

Luna panted nodding her head and Lucci moved checking on her. "I should have interfered sooner; forgive me Luna I let you get hurt." Lucci didn't like seeing her hurt and this was one that would hurt her for awhile.

"I-it wasn't your fault Lucci; I thought I could take her this round. It's my fault but please I need to catch up with my crew I promised them I would." Luna looked to me and I nodded my head and gently picked her up bridal style and smirked seeing her blushing.

Jabra chuckled and he followed Lucci and Luna he would guard his friend and mate from any harm. Luna made a change to Lucci for the better and even though he was only a devil fruit user like the rest of their group they already told Lucci they would keep Luna safe as well.

Luna's P.O.V
I blushed when Lucci carried me and looked to the other male with Lucci and I was surprised knowing that he was the one following them earlier. "You were the one I sensed earlier when we were being led to the camp with the rebels."

Jabra was amazed and chuckled softly. "Yep that was me. I'm surprised the only people who usually can sense me is the team and the odd person with strong haki. Your young you must have been training hard to use your haki."

I nodded my head and winced when my right shoulder got moved some from a little bit of movement but suppressed my whimpers of pain. "I found someone who had been willing to train me with my haki. I still struggle with armour haki but my observation haki I can use it for as long as I need it."

Lucci listened and he stopped and led Jabra into an alley way as he gently set Luna down when he saw her team looking for her. "We'll talk more later I would like to help you train as well Luna; but for now you need to join your team."

Luna pecked Lucci's cheek causing him to blush and he glared at a snickering Jabra as they headed up and decided to keep watching and he soon heard his snail ring and he sighed. 'Luna I have to get going; I promise we'll see each other again my love. Jabra will be remaining here to watch over you so please stay alive for me."

"I will Lucci you be careful on your journey back love. We're going to regroup and rest before heading after Crocodile again. We're going to finish this; the rebels have started a war in the centre of town." Luna was ticked that the rebels were dragging innocent people into an unneeded blood bath.

Lucci understood that she was upset and he nodded his head. 'If I recall these people believe when it starts raining that all will calm down and the evil will be gone from their home.'

'Well then we have to defeat Crocodile; we need to bring an end to his casino business...I got a feeling that when he's defeated the rains will come. If that's what needs to be done then we have too finish this fight now.'

Lucci frowned hearing and sensing her agitation and calmed her. 'Calm down Luna; do not get agitated you need a clear head for the fights to come. Reach out to me and use my calm to help yourself stay calm I know you can stay calm your alone remember the people that you are fighting along side of.'

Luna nodded her head and once herself and her friends were tended too and had someone quick to eat and drink she followed them. 'Thank you babe; we'll win I promise. Starting today we're not going to hide we're going to make a name for ourselves.'

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