Chapter 38

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Luna's P.O.V
I stopped when we got to what now looked like a town in runes and heard Vivi gasp as tears appeared in her eyes and looked around. "We're not alone here."

Vivi looked around and when she saw an older gentleman she happened to know she ran over and started talking to him and listened for awhile before they were attacked.

I frowned seeing that it looked like wax and she heard Vivi scream. "Vivi!" I moved using my armour haki on my sword and cut through the wax that was holding her. "LUFFY WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!"

Zoro and Sanji came to help fight our new enemy and the wax was dried and starting to trap us. I gasped fighting and broke it with my right foot that I managed to surround with my haki.

I panted softly as we kept fighting till the guy retreated he was now the second one and she thought about the other one who could look like any of them.

Zoro frowned. "I have an idea that should work against the guy who can copy looks. We put a mark on all of us and covered it with a wrap bandage and keep the bandage on so he won't know."

Chopper tilted his head curious. "What do you mean? What would the bandage do?"

I smiled catching on. "Zoro's right it will work; how can an enemy copy a mark that he cannot see?"

Sanji smiled and grabbed what we needed with Nami as the rest of us were taking a break as Nami and Sanji drew X's on our arms and we each covered those marks once they dried.

Sanji had also made sure we had a fair share of water and frowned. "We have to find some water somewhere."

Vivi was worried. "It hasn't rained here in so long; it's a desert here as well. After Crocodile came here the rains stopped and even the water stopped flowing."

"Why would he stop the water from flowing?" Nami asked curiously.

I thought and gasped softly. "Control the water and you control the people. If you stop the water from flowing the people would be willing to do whatever you want just to have water again."

Vivi was scared and stopped when she felt me rest a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed reassuringly. "What if we can't win against him? He'll harm my family and my people more cause of my stupid choice."

"We won't let it happen Vivi; you can't give up hope. Your people must believe that there is hope for a better future and if you want to have a better future for your kingdom then you need to grow a back bone and start making that change." Luffy was speaking seriously and I noticed I wasn't the only one smiling at how mature Luffy sounded.

Zoro nodded his head he agreed with what Lufy said. "Life isn't easy and if your not ready to fight for your kingdom and your future then what are you doing here?"

I looked to Vivi and I walked over to Luffy and smiled softly before looking back to Vivi. "Vivi; you don't know how many people live in this world because their islands are gone, their friends, family etc. We would do anything to have that all back but that's have a chance now to save those you care for and we're going to help you with every step of the way but in order for that to happen you need to make your mind up. Are you going to stay here and hide in fear? Or are you going to take a stand and be the person who can help save your town from war and blood shed?"

Vivi looked around to us it was easy to see that she was scared and that was understandable as she wasn't use to people helping her even if they were pirates for it was a pirate that was doing this to her home. She nodded her head after a few minutes and I smiled seeing the determination in her eyes and looked to her before stepping to the side.

"Well the  princess? How about we see what is going on in this town and let's make a change together." I smiled confidently and I watched as she took lead and I soon followed with the rest and I kept my hand on my blade and looked around.

Usopp was looking around as well and he came up to my left side as Luffy was on the ride side of me. "There's a few good places to attack from; but we might get a chance to get a good look of the lay of the land if push comes to shove Usopp and Nami you two would be the best option to go above."

Usopp and Nami nodded their heads since Usopp was the sniper any shot from high up could be beneficial for him seeing as he was more of a far range fighter and he could also see any attacks or anyone coming at us should a fight happen.

Usopp looked to me. "It's quiet I don't like it." Stopping and he shivered when  we heard a shovelling sound and he ended up jumping and shaking to the bone.

I sighed and followed Vivi as she took off running towards the sound and I gently stopped her. "Vivi; you must be alert if this was or is an enemy you were putting yourself in danger. You must be alert am I clear?"

Luffy snickered. "Typical Luna; your a sister and motherly figure."

"Now that you mention it Luffy I agree; Luna you do act like a mother some days." Nami playfully teased me.

I looked away and kept walking as I tried to hide my blush from my crew and followed the sounds till we found an old man shovelling and I saw him stop and freeze with tears in his eyes when he sae Vivi. I let Vivi past me as they embraced and they talked about his son and I frowned when I saw Vivi becoming scared hearing the rebels were indeed going to start a war.

I looked to Luffy and he nodded as I walked off to look around and saw Sanji was with me as we had to move in teams and I called Garp I needed more info on Crocodile and he would hopefully have the information.

I rang and as soon as Garp answered I  spoke. "Evening gramps; I'm sorry I haven't called in awhile I've been busy with some things."

Garp chuckled. "I was wondering when I would hear from you brats. What do you need sweetie?"

"Do you have any information on Crocodile aside from what is in the bingo book. We just came across a town that's now a desert called Green Town or something like that."

Garp frowned he knew about Crocodile being in Alabasta and the fact that we were that close meant we were causing a commotion. He had grabbed the info and sent to me as he heard a knock and frowned seeing Lucci enter and motioned for him to be quiet. "Does the information appease you Luna?"

I was reading it with Sanji and she looked to the blonde haired male both were worried. "Yes thank you Gramps. I'll call you tomorrow; we gotta get going." I hung up hearing laughter from Garp and followed Sanji to where the rest were and I grabbed Luffy. "We gotta get going; now please Luffy."

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