Chapter 60

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Sanji's P.O.V
Sanji had slipped down and took out the marine guards and was alert as he went to Robin. "Why Robin? You could have asked us for help you know that."

"You shouldn't be here Sanji; don't you get how dangerous just being here is? Where are the others? Are they with you?" Robin was scared and frantic for fear that her friends could be harmed.

"Their on another train pursuing this one." Sanji tensed when Blueno came in and Sanji moved as he started fighting Blueno he wasn't going to give in easily.

Sanji groaned when himself, Franky and Usopp got sent flying and he slowly tried to push himself up as they weren't backing off without a fight. "I won't give up; my crew...they believe in me."

Luna's P.O.V
I tensed when I saw Enies Lobby coming into view and used my observation haki looking for the first train. "Alright I see the first train; I can sense Sanji and two others with him in the last car but no one else is on the train." I became worried and headed out climbing on top of our train and as it caught up I moved and jumped onto the other train with ease and looked inside the car before dropping and moved kneeling. "Sanji? Wake up Sanji." I was worried and looked my hand on my blade seeing Chopper come help as we got all three awake.

I noticed the Sniper King and smiled softly knowing it was Usopp and I was wrong. I was glad I was wrong he still cared for our crew and I helped him up. "Thank you for helping."

"It's nothing; Usopp asked me to help save your friends." I knew he was trying to play it off and I smiled softly before we all went to join Luffy and started heading in with the group taking out marines and government dogs.

I hurried and smirked taking my blade out. "Shredding winds." I swung my blade as a blood red glow came it and as I swung it a flash of red appeared and knocked all the soldiers in front of us out. "Wow I didn't use that much energy did I?" I mentally counted how many I took out in one swing and counted fifty people at best.

I frowned when we got out the first gate and saw the second gate close and a big wave of marines waiting for us. "Holy fuck."

"What do we do? We're running out of time." Nami asked worried and gasped as those that brought us here helped us to push forward . They used the train to bring down the second gate and we ran off into the building.

I smirked when I sensed that Lucci was getting agitated and snickered and saw the others look to me curiously. "Lucci's agitated; he thought we wouldn't have the guts to come here to save Robin. Listen they'll be breaking up as well to try and slow us down let myself and Luffy go after Robin everyone choose your battles wisely and kick theirs asses hard."

"If you finish your fight push on and if you don't hurry up and win we'll come kick your asses ourselves." Zoro spoke up smirking as we had soon started breaking up.

I pushed forward with Luffy as the rest stayed back to fight their battles and we ran down a dark hallway that was lit with a few lamps. I winced softly as my wounds were starting to give me pain but I didn't want to give up now.

"Luffy there beyond that set of doors I'm sensing three people; ones is definitely Robin so I'm assuming Lucci and their boss are the other two." I stopped using my observation haki knowing I would need it.

"Alright I'm bringing those doors down stay back Luna!" Luffy used his gum gum powers and brought the doors down as he slid in panting softly and I came behind and tensed seeing Lucci waiting patiently but he was smirking as he saw us.

Lucci chuckled as he stood. "I must admit I'm surprised that you have managed to come this far. You broke off rankings with your comrades; that wasn't very smart."

"I'm pretty sure you heard Luna earlier; we're not weak we'll kick your asses and save Robin." Luffy smirked cracking his knuckles. "Luna I hate to ask it of you; but are you ready to beat him?"

I smirked teasing my blade. "Hell yeah captain; no one touches our crew and walks away with it." I moved away from Luffy as we both came attacking from both sides of Lucci we started fighting in and dodged when he shifted to his humanoid leopard for which I had to admit he was handsome.

Luffy powered up launching another attack and when Lucci was in sight I swung my blade hitting him leaving a deep cut across his chest and sent him flying through a bunch of wooden crates.

I panted softly and heard another set of footsteps and smirked. "Franky go save Robin; let us deal with Lucci."

"Are you sure Luna, Luffy?" Franky paled when Lucci sent him flying by attacking him from behind.

I cursed moving as Lucci hit Luffy away and he grabbed me by the throat and purred nuzzling my throat. "L-let me go a-asshole." I was struggling and gasped when he shifted to human form and smirked. "Don't let your guard down." I kneed him hard in the groin and smirked getting free as he snarled and attacked I barely got out of the way and winced as his claws hit my left side leaving marks and winced in pain as I panted heavily.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci cursed mentally to himself as his control slipped when Luna played dirty and he got sent flying hard into a wall denting it.

He saw Luffy check on Luna who was also getting back onto her feet but not without a struggle. Lucci attacked them again and was shocked when Luna and Luffy had ducked and both punched him sending him back again.

Lucci knew that Luna was in pain and with her wound bleeding heavily she wanted this fight to finish as well. He had slipped his vivre card in her pocket when he had grabbed her earlier.

"I wonder if your friends can swim; if not they'll be in trouble." Lucci smirked using his power as he made a huge hole and jumped towards the roof as water started rushing into the buillding.

Luna cursed. "Luffy! They'll be alright! All our devil fruit users are with non-users! We have to get to Robin the others will catch up with us believe in them!"

"Alright let's finish this Luna!" Luffy took lead with Luna following close behind and they got onto the roof panting and Luffy was still using his gear so his skin looked red as Luna had her blade out and it was pure black.

"So you'll leave your friends behind to a deadly fate. You pirates never surprise me only thinking of yourselves." Lucci sneered

Luna smirked. "No we didn't leave them behind; we know they'll be alright. I can't say the same for you." Surprised when an explosion occurred and sneered. "Luffy those are warships! They want to destroy this place we have to hurry!"

Rob Lucci x OC (Book 1 Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें