Chapter 75

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Luna's P.O.V
I listened to the plan that Law told us and it was funny when they had told Law that he had to take Chopper with him and Usopp tied chopper to Law and I couldn't help it as we all started laughing. I thought about what was to come and I gasped softly feeling a pain in my left arm and touched it seeing I was alright.

Law frowned hearing my gasp as the crew surrounded me immediately and I knew that Lucci was hurt but the pain was bad. Law walked over checking my arm and froze. "You have a bruise Luna; I know it wasn't there long ago what the hell is going on?"

I cursed softly. "Once in awhile those that have eaten a devil fruit that is an animal find their soul mate; mine found me the night he helped to destroy my island. Rob Lucci of CP0 is my mate and the entire crew knows this and a few other people; two years ago in Alabasta I saw Lucci there one night and he fully marked me. Now when either of us gets hurt the other feels it for a long time even after the full marking it was tingles and now lately it's bruising and we don't know why."

Law frowned he had heard of something like this long ago in a book and he made sure that Luna would be fine before he stood. "When was the last time you saw your mate?"

I thought and bit my lip. "Umm it's been four or more months I'm not sure why?"

"I have a book on mates you should read; the reason your both getting bruised you haven't been near one another in so long so now the bond is hurting you both as well during fights. Once you spend time with your mate then you should be fine for awhile again." I thought and relayed the info to Lucci and heard him worry as well before I stood and reassured him. "He can find me any time once we're done here we'll go to the closest island that I can meet up with him."

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had to help deal with a criminal that was wanted and as they brought him in the man turned hitting Lucci in his left arm and felt himself weaken some and cursed knowing it was sea prism.

Once they had the prisoner in the cell on the ship Lucci headed to his quarters and tended to the wound frowning when he knew Luna would get bruised again. He knew Luna wasn't having a good day earlier he woke up to what looked like he had shackles on his wrists and had been worried that someone caught her.

Lucci sighed as now he could feel her fear, worry, trust, skepticism and other emotions heavily and they were all over the place. When he felt her anger earlier he had forced her to calm down in the middle of his now completed mission.

Lucci sighed sitting on his bed removing his cape and concentrated on his mate. 'What's going on Luna? Your emotions are all over the place kitten.'

'N-nothing Lucci just a little bit of issues here don't worry.' Luna had tried to reassure him but it didn't work for she had done this before.

'Luna...the truth please kitten; I want to know what had gotten under your skin today.'

'Umm well...we're on Punk Hazard and have run into a few problems.' Luna was nervous which was never a good sign usually.

Lucci froze when he heard where she was as he had gotten up to get himself something to drink. 'What are you doing there? It's dangerous there Luna.'

'Well we got lured here by a call out and captured by Ceaser; we got free and now we're in an alliance with Trafalgar Law. There are marines on the island as well; it's Smoker and the rest of G5.' Luna filled Lucci in and Lucci paled.

'Luna he's suppose to be revealing an experiment today; there's been talk among certain pirates that are in business with him. Please leave that island.'

'We can't Lucci...they have children here their experimenting on trying to make giants before the government can.' Luna was upset and Lucci could feel it and he frowned knowing Luna wouldn't leave until she saved those children.

'I'll report this one in Luna I promise; you need to stay alive for me though.' Lucci grabbed his cape/coat and headed to talk to his boss. Lucci frowned when he heard that their boss wasn't in the building and sneered. "Damn it."

Lucci walked to the open room where himself and his team watched as Ceaser started his show and he was tense. 'Becareful kitten our boss is gone; and Ceaser is airing this.'

Luna's P.O.V
I frowned hearing Lucci and smirked to myself. 'No no that's perfect; this place is going to blow up we're escaping with the children, all our crew, Law, and the marines. Oh and um...Ceaser is our prisoner sorry babe; we need leverage for future plans.'

I hurried as we were getting the children outside and Chopper was administrating the antidotes to them to try and eliminate the drugs that was pumped into their systems. I frowned thinking that their lives will forever be different; I looked to my right when I felt a tap and frowned seeing Law hurt and sighed making him sit.

A line had been drawn between the marines and pirates so no one fought as I tended to Law's wounds quietly. I froze when Law saw my bruise was gone and I chuckled softly. "When my mate marked me cause he heals bruises and small cuts quickly in his animal form well I got that healing capability; the bruise was gone within a couple hours."

"Interesting; I heard you fought against him at Enies Lobby. Why would you's even go there? And not only fight Cipher Pole and the marines...but you waged war against the World Government. What did any of you's gain?" Law spoke as we watched everyone talking and celebrating.

I looked to him and sighed softly. "They threatened to kill Robin just for living; they threatened to also to kill Franky because of some plans he knows about. As for waging war on the government well...that was Luffy's idea because that guy that day said there was no way for us to take on the entire World Government." I smiled softly. "The Government hates the name of D; they fear us cause of some sort of prophecy. It's said that the name of D will one day shake this world to it's core. That somewhere along in time someone will appear carrying the burdens of those who have come before us and of the burdens now; and they will make a great change to this world that no one will be ready for." I watched Luffy. "Mihawk told me something that day he observed at the MarineFord War."

Law looked to me curiously. "What did he tell you?"

"Luffy gathers people one by one onto his side; that he even makes enemies turn into allies. I think about it now and that's true what Mihawk said; none of us wanted to be near Luffy or even join him in anything. But he befriended us and kept fighting for us when everyone else it was hopeless; and he's not a ruthless captain and he fights and stops those who harm others and protects the innocent people. He's a captain worth following." Smiling softly and giggled when Sanji gave me a drink.

Rob Lucci x OC (Book 1 Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin