Chapter 14

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Luna's P.O.V
I had helped the others as we used oil on the entrances that Usopp told us about and looked up to the sky seeing that the sun had started rising. "They'll be coming soon enough." I rested my hand on my blade and we waited for awhile I decided to try my observation haki and felt a presence to a different entrance I wasn't aware of. "Usopp your sure we got all the entrances?"

Usopp thought before he paled as he remembered one more entrance. "Ah we forgot the main entrance inti the forest on the other side of the island!"

I groaned and stopped Nami's yelling and looked to Usopp. "Instead of fighting let's go!" Cursing when Luffy took off knowing he was an air head and would doubt get lost and I took off with Usopp to make sure he didn't get himself killed not noticing that Nami shoved Zoro into the oil as I ran easily besides Usopp hearing pirates yelling and knew it was a cry they were ready to fight. "Don't look at the fill in captain's weapon; he uses it to hypnotize people. It's a chakram on a string."

Usopp looked at me worried. "How come your not scared? There's so many pirates they could easily kill us." He was panicked when he saw all the pirates and gulped when he took out his slingshot but he was shaking. "C-can we leave this for another day?"

I sighed and smacked him upside the head. "No Usopp; don't you want Kaya and your village to live? If we run they won't leave a single person alive; if their lucky it would be quick deaths if not it would be slow, torturous deaths. These pirates have no morals their only in it for the money and destruction; when Kuro shows himself you leave him to myself and Luffy we'll deal with him but right now we have to deal with these pirates."

Usopp had an amazed look and he nodded his head thinking if everyone in the village and we launched the first attack by Usopp launching a ball at them and I was impressed when it exploded and I giggled. "Not bad."

Usopp looked at me smiling. "Th-thanks Luna; I'll cover you be careful." He looked back when Nami came and I sighed. Usopp looked around. "Where's Luffy and Zoro?"

Nami's jaw dropped. "What do you mean where are they?! Luffy left before you's!"

I sighed shaking my head. "Luffy and Zoro have bad senses of directions; you can put them on a straight road and they'll get lost. Don't worry they'll eventually make it."

Nami gulped. "H-how bad of directions may I ask?" Taking out her battle staff and she was shaken as she stood besides Usopp and myself seeing the pirates laughing.

I sighed and slid my blade out. "Really bad." Blocking an attack as the crew attacked and I locked blades and sent my opponent flying into the other pirates. "Don't worry about Luffy and Zoro; for now we have to keep these pirates at bay until those two arrive."

Usopp and Nami nodded getting serious as we started fighting seriously and Nami and myself would make the pirates hit hard into each other once in awhile to knock them out. I dealt with the pirates with swords not wasting neither if my haki's for now; I wanted to save any strength I could incase Kuro arrived and I had a feeling he would when his old crew would be late for their attack.

Jango growled and he even attacked with his chakrams of which I reflected back at him. "You call that an attack how weak you are!" I kept fighting easily dancing between the pirates and was taking them out till I felt Zoro and Luffy getting close and smirked. "Check mate."

Luffy appeared looking ticked and I sighed speaking. "Took your sweet time Luffy! We need help here!"

Zoro appeared both glaring. "Why didn't you tell us which direction to go!" Luffy yelled and he saw the fight swinging a fist. "Duck!"

I moved and brought Nami and Usopp down covering them as I felt Luffy's stretched arm fly over us sending the pirates flying hard into their ship and smirked. "Thank you captain!"

Lucci's P.O.V
I could feel my mates frustration and sighed getting up as I went to grab a drink I could hear the others talking and listened silently outside the door and heard Jabra saying I had been acting off some days and knew I was but I still completed my missions with ease.

I knew my Luna could feel my frustration and it added to hers which helped me since she must have been fighting to release hers. I walked into the room with the rest. "Something the matter mutt face? I've been accomplishing my missions easily unlike some of us." I glared at the wolf devil fruit user as I sat down and tilted my chair yo balance on the back legs.

Jabra growled glaring at me. "And yet when your off of missions your constantly spacing out! What the hell is going on with you cat?!"

I looked to him not showing emotions and motioned for Kaku to stay in his spot knowing he would try to stop any fights from happening. "That's none of your business; if I were you I would worry more about yourself since we have to finish this mission cause I do believe you have to finish your report from your previous mission dog breath."

Lucci got up with his drink and as he got to the door he heard Jabra go to attack and he dodged attacking the male as they fought on equal grounds till Lucci used Iron Body to send Jabra flying and had knocked him out. "Remember your place." He headed to his room and as he closed his door he winced feeling a strong tingling across his back and he knew that Luna had been hurt.

Lucci didn't like that Luna was putting herself in the line of danger and even worse when he knew she would be fighting Kuro and his old pirate crew. He didn't know if Luna could with stand Kuro she was just beginning he knew she was strong but even the strongest and well trained still had fallen dead at Kuro's feet.

Luna's P.O.V
I gasped coughing in pain as Jango had hypnotized his men to get stronger and Luffy was hypnotized as well but myself and Zoro had been fighting the two ship guards which they got hypnotized as well and I winced as I got up spitting up some blood as I grabbed my blade. "Your going to regret that."

I moved with Zoro as we defeated the two brothers and I panted heavily having the air knocked out if you and hitting your back hard to a tree and ground wasn't any better. I looked up seeing Kuro who arrived a few minutes ago smirk seeing as we got hurt and I got up weakly. "What's with the smirk four eyes?"

Kuro frowned pushing his glasses up with the bottom of the palm of his hands as he glared at me. "Don't try your luck little girl; look how weak you all are taking on pirates you do not belong among us."

Luffy had gotten woke up by Nami and he came protecting myself and Zoro. "Leave him to me Luna; go after Usopp and save Kaya...I know you two can do it just come back sis."

I got up and nodded my head. "Yes captain." I took off into the forest and could hear fighting I was going to help and smirked as I deflected Jango's weapons and left him to Usopp and I guarded Kaya. "Kick his ass Usopp."

Usopp was serious and nodded his head as they fought for a bit and finally he took down Jango and I sensed that Kuro was defeated as well. We tied up Jango and his pirates I also tied up Kuro making sure he couldn't escape. "We have to leave soon Luffy; I'll leave an anonymous tip about these pirates being here and we'll be gone before the marines get here."

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