Chapter 94

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Luna's P.O.V
I landed with Jabra back at where the others were and I looked around on alert and looked to Jabra having given each other our snail numbers before he went to take watch from a distance as I walked in.

I smiled softly seeing some of the others sound asleep and I walked around slipping back outside and went to the roof where I saw Zoro on guard.

"How did it go Luna? Did you find our captains?" Zoro looked up seriously but spoke quiet enough that he wouldn't wake the rest.

I sighed softly and sat by him leaning against the chimney as well. "I found Killer he's the one hanging in the town square but they've pretty much broken him I told him we'll soon get him free. I found Luffy and Kidd their being kept in the outside jail cell but with Law...well he's being kept in a separate area getting a beat down by both Hawkins and Drake their going to be a pain. Apoo is closer towards Kaido's crew so I can safely say he's not on this island thankfully."

"Alright do what do we need to do?" Zoro looked to me seriously.

"Like I said earlier we have to have disarray in this town; we have to make as big of a commotion as possible. Their going to be expecting us to attack from the front or where they can see us; if we slip in we can start taking out their ranks and hopefully knock out most of the weaker men before the stronger fighters appear. I'm pretty sure Law will be alright soon as I know your all going to be alright I'll break off and look for him. As soon as I got him we'll..." Stopping when I sensed a different presence and both myself and Zoro placed our hands on our blades and I stopped seeing Kidd's crew who were weak and wounded show themselves.

I cursed myself as I jumped down and landed quietly and looked to Heat as he was the third in command. "How did you find us?"

"We spoke to Killer...he said that your planning an attack to free him, Kidd, Luffy and Law? We want to help out too for what they did to us. We want to help in getting our captain and first mate out of there please." Heat spoke and I looked to his crew and nodded my head as I looked to Zoro who agreed and woke the others up as we needed a plan and they slept a few hours.

I motioned for the Kidd pirates to join us and I smiled seeing how many people we had and thought of how our three captains encouraged so many of us to do things we never thought we could do. I knew that now we couldn't disappoint them and we all needed to work together.

"Make yourselves comfy." I looked over and grabbed a pale of water and woke Usopp and jumped back snickering when he grumbled glaring at me. "Morning Usopp; we need to do some planning we got more people working with us."

"Huh? Who's working with us now?" Usopp was shocked and gulped seeing the Kidd pirates and he looked to me nervous. "Are we..."

"Yes we're sure Usopp; according to what Zoro told us they want to help free their captain and first mate. In all honesty isn't that what we all want right now? We just want to save our nakama? We don't have the time to be afraid or fighting...we need all the help we can get and if Luna and Zoro trust them enough to work with us then we can trust them too plus this gives us a better chance of winning." Sanji spoke up as he lit a smoke and walked over. "Alright Luna what's the plan?"

I smirked playfully. "We're going to have to bring this place down from the inside out; that means we all have to co-operate and not fight in order for this to work. We know many of the enemy are strong when they work together but if you can throw disarray into a group then even the best fighters and crew will fall down. Now I know the samurai can get us in but we can't be suspicious either; otherwise the enemy will catch onto us." I stood where I could see everyone seeing them listening. "We have to free Killer first without a given; I managed to catch talk from some guards they plan on putting Killer in water and waiting till the last second to let him up for air. So we're getting him free from his imprisonment; Kidd pirates since your always near by watching I'm going to leave this up to you."

Heat nodded his head. "As soon as we have Killer we'll start taking out the guards and any of the enemy we can." He gave me his snail's number and a vivre card and I gave mine to him.

"Alright next since there is so many of us we'll have to break off into smaller groups and I would like one or two samurai per group if possible; the smaller the numbers there are in groups the easier we won't be spotted and this attack won't be wrecked before it's even begun. How many haki users do we have aside from the current three in our crew?" Looking and sighed softly seeing a couple. "Alright; the fights coming are going to be a pain in the ass. I know we have a lot of devil fruit users and that will help..." I sighed softly when I heard a growl and yelp before I checked and saw a spy and smirked grabbing the cell keys. "Thank you." I walked back in.

Robin saw the keys and smiled. "So that's where he went? He's being a guard for us from a distance."

"Yep." I looked back to the group as we got a map out and came up with plans before I looked over seeing bottles of alcohol and smirked. "Well then...since you want explosions I have a way we can do that. Let's make some Molotov cocktails."

Usopp smirked. "Right we can place them around and maybe we can have something or someone that could trigger them all."

"Let us do that Luna." Penguin spoke up with Shachi who was smiling and they got to work making the bombs.

'Luna what are you's doing?' Lucci spoke to me mentally he knew that we were up to something thanks to Jabra.

I smirked softly. 'Oh nothing just making some home made Molotov cocktails.' I stopped and smirked. 'I'm borrowing Jabra; I got a job for him thanks babe.' Giggling when I heard grumbling and I stepped outside and looked up when Jabra landed in front of me. "I need you to drop a message for Kidd and Luffy right in the cell." Handing him the message.

"Do I want to know what you have in mind for them." Jabra looked curious.

I smiled playfully. "I need them to start a ruckus in that cell; when they do they'll get ticked enough to make a jail break...a jail break means that all attention will be on them and off the rest of us. The bombs we use will also be away from the worse of the main fights it's all distractions for us to get in easily and get to work but we need to find Law."

"I know where he is...once your in I'll join up with you and bring you to where the smell of his blood is heavy." Jabra spoke seriously before he looked over my shoulder seeing pirates glaring and left.

"Calm down; Jabra is here on my mates orders he's been following me the past two years as a guard and he helps me whenever I need it." Speaking to Heat as I walked in. "Alright so I sent Jabra with a message for Luffy and Kidd...I want them to start a jail riot."

"What? How come?" Heat was curious as he leaned on the wall near me.

I smiled looking to him and the group. "Because their hot heads against each other; and knowing them if Luffy can get Kidd to argue with him they'll get themselves free; and be one distraction for us as we make other distractions and go for the main attack."

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