Chapter 52

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci smiled a little he knew that Luna was strong and believing of her words. He looked outside as a storm was brewing and he could hear a commotion on her end of the snail and frowned hearing shouting. "Luna what's going on?"

"Ah nothing; Luffy's in trouble again trying to break into the fridge in the kitchen to eat the remainder of our food. He's a bottomless pit that just can't be filled no matter how much you feed him."

Lucci smirked. "Devil fruit user?"

"Of course; been one since we were children...he ate the gum gum fruit but he was already a bottomless pit before that. He ate it about a week or two before I was brought to his island. He's getting stronger ad well; he'll be someone the sea's should fear and respect the entire crew should be like that."

"Tell me do you's plan on going after any of the warlords in the future?" Lucci figured the new generation would be starting to get riled to the point they would be starting to target stronger pirates.

"Well one day we do have to see Shanks again; but that's only once Luffy is a respectable pirate and we'll meet Shanks and the rest of the Red Haired Pirates together as one. I truly believe that Luffy will become king; I'm willing to bet it all to get him to the top."

Lucci froze he was amazed by the determination of his mate and he sighed leaning back as he heard Kaku and Jabra whispering and chuckled. "It seems a couple of my members have questions for you Luna."

Luna was looking over the edge of the crows nest as she looked for any signs of danger with the moonlight it made it look like day out. "Go ahead I don't mind."

Jabra was the first one to speak up. "Earlier when you were fighting I noticed that your staff was effecting the devil fruit users; is it just sea prism in it?"

Luna smirked. "Yep; but I can use my armour haki for certain amount of time into my weapons and when I used it with my staff I can do more damage to a devil fruit user. But like I said I can't use my haki for very long periods of time since it still drains me quickly; I haven't been using my haki that long maybe a year or so at best."

Lucci thought as he felt Luna's frustration and he couldn't help himself but send her reassurance. "Your getting stronger Luna; give it time my love. You should find someone who can train you to use haki better; there are many people and no doubt some ex-pirates as well."

Kaku spoke up. "So who's the brother and grandfather you spoke about Lucci?"

Luna spoke up amused. "Luffy is one of those I consider my brother myself, Luffy and two other shared saki making us sibling. And the man I consider a grandfather to me even though he is Luffy's real grandfather; is Garp." Luna smirked as she heard the shocked gasps. "You should ask him sometime about when he was training me in the forest."

Lucci's curiosity was peaked as he listened to his mate. "What did you do kitten? I know that man thinks of you and your small family lots. Tell me...even though he's a marine and you three are pirates do you think he'll ever resent you's and show no mercy."

"No; Garp cares for family that was something he worked hard into us. He may not have forgiveness for many pirates...but for family he does. You must understand; Garp watched myself, Luffy and Ace grow up together over the years. He saw three children all from different walks of life just trying to find some sort of acceptance in this damned world. Luffy had no parents growing up, neither did Ace so they had common grounds. My home was destroyed I had never been without family and to meet Shanks and then Luffy, the villagers, Ace, Garp my world may have been destroyed once but they helped me pick up the pieces and helped me rebuild a new world where I now have family even though we're not related by blood...we're connected by spirit. No matter how far we are or what happens we'll always be together in spirit."

Lucci was shocked but smiled softly as he had said before Luna was young but when she spoke she sounded wise beyond her years. He looked to his team as they all had the surprised looks on their faces like he did to hear how she spoke. "I can understand to a point where your coming from Luna; to us here we're family as well. True we may not always be together but we too are family none the less we have been together for years. And you have had Luffy for ten years much less then any of us...and you have a strong grasp onto what family means."

"I know I sound wise...but I'm young and I have a lot to learn along with my friends. You know when my home was destroyed I had started loosing my trust of people and believed many people were no good. Shanks and Luffy taught me better; Ace and one other we called brother as well. But what truly opened my eyes was when the fourth member of our little group was killed when we were children. And the people who killed him was none other then Celestial Dragons...his own people. He turned his back on them for a better world. He was the most level headed one of us four; he was older then myself but I want to make this a world he would be happy to be alive in." Looking up and I saw the odd cloud slowly drifting along in the sky and looked to the stars.

"You want to keep his legacy alive don't you? Something that will keep his memory alive and what he hoped to have. May I ask what his name was?" Lucci was curious.

Luna remember the blonde haired boy and her heart broke when she remembered when he was shot down in his dinghy. "Sabo; his name was Sabo a blonde haired boy who was shot down by cannon fire. I watched him die."

Kaku's head snapped up and he moved over to their information on the Rebel Army that was led by Monkey D. Dragon and he brought over the picture of the first commander to Lucci.

Lucci froze seeing the picture and he saw the name. "Luna I'm going to send you a picture with a name on it you tell me if you know this person."

Luna's P.O.V
I was curious as I waited and when the picture came through I gasped softly as tears appeared in my eyes. "Th-that's not...b-but how. He's dead I watched him die."

"No Luna; he's very much alive. He's the second in command for the Rebel army that is led by Dragon. Look in your new bingo book kitten there's more info in there." Lucci could feel how much his mate was hurting seeing that someone she held dear and thought dead was alive.

Luna had moved and grabbed her book out of het pocket and lit her small lamp and looked and stopped seeing the info on Sabo. "Why Sabo? Why didn't you come back?" I was confused and spoke softly to myself as I looked more and looked to Dragon's info and froze I knew who's father he was as well and looked towards where Luffy was sleeping below with the rest of the guys.

"It's possible maybe something happened that day Luna; he could have lost his memories from the attack as a child. But he's very much alive and is very strong; I'm sure if he had remembered you three he would have shown himself." Lucci was trying to soothe Luna as he could feel how much she was hurting and he didn't like feeling how hurt she felt.

"I can't be sure about that until I see him. Until then I'm not going to say anything to Luffy I'm the older sibling it's my job to protect him. I don't know what happened to Sabo but until I talk to Sabo I won't tell Luffy that Sabo is alive and well."

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