Chapter 58

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Luna's P.O.V
I was watching from the deck of the Going Merry as Usopp arrived I could tell that he was still wounded and feeling the pain badly it broke my heart. "Stubborn boy; just like your father." I saw Usopp look up to the crew as we were watching we knew that when he lost that he was gone from the crew and as much as I didn't like it; there were rules and we lived strongly by those rules and that means I can't stumble and neither can Luffy.

I looked to Luffy and then to Usopp I knew what was happening and I sighed speaking up. "Usopp! You challenged your captain and for that this fight goes till one of you's can no longer get up! If you loose Usopp you keep this ship and you are gone from the StrawHat pirates!" I spoke with no emotion and my words were form as I showed no emotion.

Usopp gulped but he glared at Luffy as they got into position and Usopp was the first to attack and he didn't hold back during the fight. Luffy wasn't holding back either and the fight lasted a fee minutes before Luffy won and Usopp passed out.

I watched Luffy as he covered his face with his hate and I sighed as Zoro spoke to him telling him not to stumble and I walked down hugging Luffy gently till he calmed and I saw Chopper leave medicine for Usopp even though Sanji scolded him. "We have to go save Robin and Franky."

"Yeah let's get going; lead the way Luna." Luffy ordered me and I nodded my head as Sanji went to the train station and the rest of us headed to the mayor's office. We hurried and I looked around and saw fighting and cursed. "Luffy?"

"Go ahead Luna. Delay them for as long as you can and don't you dare hold back; this is life and death we'll join you as quick ad we can." Luffy looked serious and it sent a shiver down my spine before I jumped up and was quiet in my movements and saw a window open and stayed in the shadows as I watched and listened seeing that Paulie was trying to protect Iceburg.

I noticed that the entire group as there and quietly drew out a throwing knife I carried hidden under my top and threw it into a vase shattering it and got their attention off of Paulie as I moved and had my staff out and hit Kalifa sending her flying hard into a wall and I moved Paulie back and guarded Iceburg and Paulie. "Not a wise idea to come after us or them government dogs."

Lucci frowned and was alert. "Step aside Luna." Lucci tried to touch my staff and I swung it and smirked seeing him flinch when the sea prism touched it and he moved away. "Luna; you know you hurt me then you feel the pain."

"I could care less about that Lucci; I warned you I wouldn't play nice for coming after my nakama and you put innocents at risk for what? Because the government doesn't want any of us bringing them to their knee's; newsflash there is a change coming and even nothing will be able to protect those cowards." I noticed when Kaku moved and I dug my staff down and swung kicking him hard into another wall cracking it and smirked as I stood. "Pathetic." I heard my friends arrive and I stood at Luffy's side. "Careful I'm barely holding them back and that's using my haki."

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci was surprised his mate had a staff with sea prism and now that he looked at it he could see it clearly; he was even surprised that she managed to hit Kaku away and seeing the damage let him know that right now he was facing the assassin that she was meant to be.

Lucci smirked though when her crew came and he showed his devil fruit and attacked them sending them all flying including Luna who rolled and ignoring her pain was back on her feet. Lucci smirked when she came at him and at last minute ducked as Luffy through a hit.

He noticed her entire crew was fighting and he tossed Luffy away as he heard a gasp and growled when Luna and Nami had teamed up against Kalifa. "Dirty pool my love."

Luffy froze with the crew seeing the glare Luna was giving Lucci. Luffy smirked as he understood that Luna was pissed off. "Luna keep helping Nami..." Luffy froze when Blueno and Jabra brought Robin in. "Robin!"

Robin looked at them and I smirked as I turned back and whispered to Robin reminding her that if she didn't come they would all die. Robin bit her lip hiding her emotions from them. "I'm sorry but this is where we have to part ways; thank you for being my friends but..." Robin was shocked when Luna spoke up and so was I seeing that something was different in Luna.

"Stop lying Robin; you say those words...but you don't mean any of them. You say them because he threatened you; I know those rules too Robin. Threaten your prey that they will do whatever you want; stop living in fear Robin. When we became pirates we all knew what we were in for; you would travel and hide believing that you would be better alone. No one is born to be alone Robin; I wanted to be alone and so did so many people I know and yet we came together and we'll never truly be alone again." Luna spoke her eyes shined determined and Robin had tears in her eyes before she turned and jumped out the window making Lucci smirked and saw movement and hit Luffy away and another body before he felt the pain move through his body and heard a whimper looking to see Luna hit into a wall the broken glass vase from earlier  was dug into her skin as blood dripped.

Kalifa looked to Lucci. "The bomb is soon to go off we have to get going Lucci."

"Then let's get going we have other places we need to be." Lucci let his crew go first and followed but not before looking to see that Luna had removed the glass and was moving to help her crew, Paulie and Iceburg as they all barely escaped. Lucci had taken off to join his team and got Robin onto the train.

Lucci sat in his seat alone having left Robin to be guarded by Blueno and sighed closing his eyes and he could feel Luna's frustration, anger and pain. It was more then physical he knew it was deeper and he thought back to when she was a child that night on het island he remembered all the wounds she had and covered in blood.

Lucci was frustrated he wanted Luna by his side safe but tonight...tonight he did the one thing he swore he would never do to his mate. He harmed the most precious person in his life; it was a struggle to not go to her and beg for her forgiveness. He would have a long time to come to check on her and win her over fully.

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