'No Need To Thank Me'

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A/N: Hello readers! Long time no speak! Just a little message from yours truly, so I have had a couple of interesting comments and messages recently. I haven't replied to anyone because I have been suffering quite badly with my anxiety and suffering with depression. As much as I would love to bury everything deep, and completely forget about it all, I know it is going to resurface at some point. So I've been making a some changes to myself and took a bit of break. I'm not quite fully there yet however I'm feeling better than I was before. Please don't feel that I have been ignoring you. This was something that was a struggle for me and I hope you can understand. So going back to this particular comment, I wanted so bad to reply to you but it will spoil the surprise! I can officially say there is only one chapter left! ☹️❤️ I haven't put a time other than I would like this to be done within a few weeks.

On another note. I can truly say from the bottom of my heart, just how much you all mean to me by reading this book. As I hope you know, I began writing this to start with to improve my grammar, and to try and make at least one person smile with this book. So Thank you!

During these difficult and pressing times we are now experiencing around the world, I would like to see if we can spread some love and joy to each other and to other people, friends, family, neighbours, people who live on their own and feeling isolated, people who desperately want to say hi or to talk to someone when they are afraid of speaking out. People to suffer from all sorts of mental health issues and afraid of being judged.

Let me assure you, one of the reasons why I love this app and site is the amount of support in the community no matter age, gender, religion, skin colour, language we are and or speak. We all have one heart, one life, to make an impact. Post a comment and a heart ❤️❤️

So with out further delay, I welcome you to the next chapter of 'I Want You!'

Two Years Previous

"Attention passengers. Our final destination in our world tour is upon us! I have the utmost pleasure in welcoming you to the region of mysteries Sinnoh! Said to home legends well beyond fathoming, it's stunning scenery and endless tourist attractions will keep you busy for the next four weeks! From your captain and everyone here at Pearlshipping Cruise lines thank you, see you in four weeks time to return to Alola!"

Breathing deeply the refreshingly cool salty air, I begun making my way onto the docks. I've been traveling for six months to various regions in the hopes of finding somewhere new to call home.

Standing in a uniquely quaint looking town, the port which is known as Canalave City. I decided to make my way to a hostel for the night and figure out where to go from there.

After wandering around for some time, admittedly I was lost; there had to be a sign or something nearby that could help.

As time went on, noticing the sky blushing warm vibrant autum colours indicating the sun was setting quickly, I overheard raised voices making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Seriously back off! I'm warning you!" A girl timidly warned loudly.

"You're warning me?! Ha! You're mine, don't forget that. You promised me Princess." The guy threateningly replied.

I had stumbled upon a scene that makes my skin crawl, flash backs of memories flooded my mind, and all I could see was 'her'.

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