First Night in Alola

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Ash's POV

I love this girl more than anything. She gets me, she knows what to do; what to say to keep to me focused.

Walking hand in hand, after we were... alone together... we both headed back to where Gary and Calem were waiting anxiously. As soon as I entered the room, the tension could be cut with a sharp knife. I had told them of our decision much to Gary's arguments to rethink what I was saying. I argued back.

"Fucking hell Ash! He wants YOU dead! He wants HER dead! And... GUESS WHAT? SHE ALMOST FUCKING DIED! Let's go back to Kalos he can't touch us there!" Gary finished shouting at Serena and myself, ignoring the fact that I already know, it wasn't my decision.

Pinching the bridge of my nose listening to Gary, keeping my composure I stated back "We both agreed that this is what we both want. I would feel better if Se was with me and I want to be there to know that Gio is either dead or in handcuffs. There is no other option. I need you all please back me up on this."

"Bu-" Calem started to say in objection.

"But nothing Calem. Serena has as much right as anyone here to help, she has promised me, that she will do everything as I say. I... I would die before I loose her again..." I finished saying, I glanced down looking at my intertwined hand with Se's, she gave my hand a small squeeze that she stood by our decision no matter what.

"Ashy - boy... you are either a genius or an idiot, you know I'll be by your side no matter what. We are more than best friends... we are brothers. Let's get this son of a bitch and look forward to our future." Gary finished his speech, which I was totally in awe of. I wasn't expecting that little speech especially from him earlier, I smiled my signature grin at him and held out my hand he took it and I brought him into our bro hug. "Thanks Gary" I spoke quietly enough so only he could hear.

"No problem Ashy-boy, do you really think I was going to miss out on all the hot girls in Alola?" He replied back, I knew there had to be another reason.

"Ha! Well no I kinda expected it, wheres Looker gone? The longer we stay here the longer we have to wait to put this son of a bitch down."

As if on cue Looker came through the door with Officer Jenny right behind him. We all turned our gaze towards him watching him take a seat with a big file of documents.

"Please have a seat everyone" Looker said, we all took our seats and waited to start. Looker looked at me dead in the eye. Nothing was going to interrupt his determination. "Ash, for this plan to work, Serena needs to come to Alola with us regardless."

I knew I was expecting that, I nodded in agreement which softened the look on his face. Most probably shock I was agreeing with him for once, "Looker, we are all going with you. We just need our passports and we will be ready." Ash said, while making eye contact with Serena, she gave me a look of determination, I continued saying "We both decided it was best we all went."

Looker was really surprised, I think he must have had some speech ready to say, against Serena staying.

"Oh, um okay then" he opened up the file in front of him and handed us 4 passports one for each of us. "Just be ready to go in an hour, the flight will take a couple of hours so best pack for sunny weather!

Time Skip

Several hours later we were walking off the plane, My eyes had set on a most beautiful peaceful island. It feels like that humans haven't destroyed all of the earth's tranquility.  All around us you can hear the peaceful sounds of crashing waves from the sea, a gentle breeze carrying the sea breeze. The warm climate felt like a hug from a warm blanket.

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