Surprise! Part 1

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A/N Hi Amourshippers! I'm hoping you have been well and are waiting patiently for the next anticipated chapter in 'I Want You' So I'm changing things slightly where I have split up the chapters. The next part will be up soon I however can't tell you when. So please, in light of recent events around the world I can only implore that everyone takes care, and that you all stay safe. I know being constricted in one place is difficult and lonely which is why I'm here to talk to. If you want to talk about my book or if your writing one? Or if you want to talk about something that is upsetting that you feel you can't talk to anyone else about, again I'm here to listen.

One of the good things I like about Wattpad is the community and the support given through everyone.

So please. Enjoy the chapter, I want to hear your thoughts and as always if you like it tap the vote button!!

Much love

Lillie's POV

Sitting in the taxi after my rescue Calem saved me. I was shocked after the whole ordeal with that... monster. The driver seems like a kind man as he looks at me concerned in his rear view mirror.

"Miss?" I looked up at the driver snaps me out of my overrunning thoughts with a reassuring smile, "the young man made me promise him that I will keep you safe and take you to some people who will help you... if I'd have known who you were... I still would have done it... here" he says while lifting a bag over the seat, "he wanted me to give you this bag."

A faint smile spread across my face placing the bag down on my legs, slightly surprised by the weight of it. Curiosity filled me as I slowly undid the zips peering inside.

At first I saw two envelopes surrounded by thick wads of cash and some clothes, hesitatingly I opened the first letter,

Dear Lillie,

I'm glad you're reading this, it means that Calem saved you like he promised. I will see you again, but not just yet, I need to clean up the mess up that Giovanni left.
I'm not sure if Calem is alive and I hope that he is, but I owe everything to him for saving you. Calem is my nephew, his mother was my innocent sister who was killed by Giovanni.
I am truly sorry for everything you went through, at such a young age, you have bared some difficult experinces that no one should have to go through. I have failed you, and again I'm truly sorry for that. It may not mean much however, I just wanted you to know that I am here for you should you need anything.
Your parents were my very good friends, and I'm actually your godfather.
In the bag, I have put in a change of clothes and money to start you off, I don't want you to feel like you are trapped here on the island; so I want you to live your life to the fullest, and experience many of things that life has to offer... just like when you went to Unvoa for a few months, we were all so proud of you. Also inside the bag I have put a phone in, I have saved my number in there, call me when your ready.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again, and I'm pleased to be able to this, just so you know there is no pressure in talking or meeting me, I just want you to know that I will be there for you regardless.

All my love

Feeling my face slightly wet a few drops fell onto the the carefully written letter as I quickly wiped them away, in the hopes of no one seeing.

Carefully placing the letter back in it's envelope I reached out to the second one, seeing what's written on the front it says

To Serena

I knew it wasn't for me, but the name sounds familiar it might be who I'm going to see. Dismissing my thoughts, inside the car was quiet, but comfortable. As we drove into the night, I was looking out the window aimlessly again not noticing the car had pulled into a large driveway, snapping myself into reality, I looked upon the front doors immediately recognising the Grand Hotel.

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