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I felt a wave of conflicting emotions, my face going pale as I looked at Ryder's face.


Is the only word I could blubber out of my mouth.

He smiled- but it sure as heck wasn't friendly.

"You want to know why? Fine, I'll tell you. I loved you. I loved you like you were my universe- ever since we were kids. And what about you? Yeah, you threw yourself at the bad boy who broke your heart. Who was there to pick up the pieces? ME! NOT HIM! ME! He comes back and you still choose HIM over ME! I was supposed to save you from the dude from raping you- I was the one who hired him! But HE ruined the plan! I love you! NOT HIM! I HATE YOU! If I can't have you- nobody can", he finished with a sadistic face.

He pulled a gun out from behind him and aimed it towards my head.

Asher stared admirably at Ryder.

I looked closely at Asher's face and then back at Ryder's, seeing some resemblance
for some reason.

"Asher, what's your last name?" I asked him.

He sneered at me and growled out,"Whitlock you idiot. I'm his cousin".

Oh my god- they were cousins who were going to kill me.

But they weren't going to succeed.

I looked at the chair with shackles- seeing it was pretty old, I came up with a plan.

I pulled with all my might at the armrests and legs of the chair- momentarily startling the two guys as they broke and I was free.

I pulled out both of my guns from my thigh holsters, aiming each one at each idiot.

We were at a standstill as we calculated each other's moves.

Suddenly sirens pierced through the air- the three of us were surprised.

After a second, Ryder glared at me with an appalling amount of venom.

"You called the cops?" He asked me.

"Noooo...", I trailed off commencing my plan.

I ran towards Ryder kicking his gun out of his hand and kneeing the back of Asher's head. Asher fell back unconscious- easy. One more to go.

He was too fast for me though and managed to take one of my two guns.

We stared at each other as the sirens got closer and we heard voices drifting towards us.

Suddenly the door to the warehouse bust open and police officers along with Taylor, Aiden, and Zach came through.

The police officers surrounded us as suddenly Ryder yells out "BACKUP NOW".

It didn't sound good.

From the depths of the warehouse, what seemed like gang members emerged.

We seemed to be about equal teams now.

The police fought professionally and the gang members fought illegally- what a fight this was.

Everything was hand to hand combat and having professionals on our side helped us win. We won the fight.

Everyone was about to gather people and leave when an abrupt gunshot went off- and two bodies fell to the floor.

One was Ryder- already having multiple gunshot wounds- the blood loss was too much and he fell. But not without shooting someone.

I looked and ran over to the other side of the warehouse to see who the other guy was.

I saw his blood covered shirt and fell to my knees. Holding his hand- and applying pressure to his wound- his eyes fluttered open.

Those familiar gold eyes stared right back at me.

"No no no NO NO! Zach stay awake please! Don't leave me!" I yelled hysterically, my throat clogging with tears.

"Isabella, don't worry. I won't ever leave you. I'll be watching over you forever. I'll be there when you get married and have kids. At least I know I died protecting you. I don't have that much time left sweetheart. But remember that I will always love you baby sister", he finished his last speech.

And with a last soft smile at his baby sister- he died.

He died in my arms. My brother is gone. He isn't coming back.

I grasped his cold hand and clutched it to my chest, sobbing into Zach's now bloody shirt.

I felt hands pulling me back but I screamed in pure despair and agony.

The police officers had everything under control and distinctly I heard Taylor sobbing.

I heard my name and I turned and saw Aiden looking at Zach's body in disbelief.

He looked at me and I broke.

I screamed and cried until my throat could take no more. I cursed Ryder to the deepest pits of hell where I hope he ROTS.

The entire time Aiden has his arms around me, tears falling from both of our eyes.

And then I drifted into darkness.

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