Jake Mason

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Taylor and I walked into our first period together (WE HAVE ALL PERIODS TOGETHER, WHAT A COINCIDENCE!) and sat down at a table at the back,farthest from the teacher so that we could talk unnoticed.

It was a table of 4 with 2 chairs on each side. We set our stuff down and sat next to each other. We were in Math- Taylor and I's easiest subject.

As people filed in, we shut up. We watched who came into this class, making sure he didn't have this class. Cheerleader and Football Jocks- yay! NOT. Quiet] Kids- okay. The Nerds- er......okay, I guess.

There was a familiar blond head weaving through the crowd of peole to our table and I jumped up-

"JAKE!", Taylor and I said in unison.

Jake was a football player that was actually sweet and doesn't treat people like dirt. He was 6"1 with a muscular but lean build- yeah, football does that to people. He has emerald green eyes that can melt ice cream. He hugged Taylor, then headed over to me.

His arms crushed me to him, his cologne- that smells really good- filling my nose. "I missed you Midnight", he whispered in my ear. He let go of me and sat down across from Taylor.

I sat down, his hot breath still lingering on my ear. The class started and I thanked my lucky stars that he wasn't in this class.

About halfway through the class the door opened and the class fell silent. Mr. Stark, stared at the late arrival who I couldn't see and told him "It's the first day, so I'm letting you off with a warning, go ahead and take a seat anywhere".

Mr. Stark moved out of the way and I saw the late person's face- HELL TO THE NO! Aiden glanced around the room until he found the seat across from mine empty-smirked-and made his way over to our table.

"Is this seat taken?", Aiden asked. "YES!", I said at the same time Jake said "No". Aiden shook his head in amusement and set his stuff down.

Why Jake Mason, do you have to be such a good person sometimes?

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